Windmill Owner

It's well worth your time, Connery is quite old in it but it works very well. The story also just works better with a older bond and he is justiciable better in it then in the original bond movie. Older bond is also such a interesting theme to play around with which they kinda do but it could be taken so much further.

Yes, it's one of his greatest qualities as a actor in general because he is a great charismatic villain. A role he also loves to play but just keeps throwing in odd comedy roles and drama roles to keep it fresh.

Yeah for sure, I was a bit bored with the most recent effort. Craig is a good bond but the bond action was a tad to bland feel really invested it mostly. Like you said above this comes a lack of opposition to his pretty bad tasks. Bond needs to be a bit more bitchy about it because that's always good fun. Still it

Dr No is a 60's pre hippie revolution relics as they come, the best part about is Ursula Andress. Goldfinger is decent but has allot of it's (great) merit destroyed because of a horrid villain. Always wanted to really like the Roald Dahl(yeah really) penned You Only Live Twice but holy sushi is it racist most of the

I only read a few of the books but I agree. They go away from the England vibe because well it are global blockbusters and America don't like any national pride then their own. It's pretty stupid but it's been that for ages now, every thing related to England becomes a trope pretty much and is played down even more

Lazenby was pretty damm good, I really like OHMSS because it's so close to self parody and is just a swift fun movie with allot of charm to it. Some of the Connery ones get hokey at times with horrid acting and boring characters.

Brosnan and Craig are both way closer to him then our beloved grumpy Irish SNL parody overlord and 'that other English guy'(also that Australian guy). Brosnan even has a rough edge to it he also had, shame his Bond films were quite uneven and pretty stupid. Still like them because them gave us some of the best bond

Going offtopic; I loved his bond, it was way more realistic and they are by far some of the smartest of the bond efforts. Whats your opinion about his bond if you want to share?

It's really good also, beside Connely pretty much spoofing the damsel in distress trope his Hughes is one of the best. Beside maybe obvious Hughes(with touches of Orson Welles)parody Howard Stark; even more when Dominic Cooper takes a run with it in Agent Carter.

Man I forgot about how extremely hilarious punchable his character is in Hot Fuzz with it's bushy moustache(again) and great villain acting.

Like most supporters of the Nazis did outside of Germany, a extremely nice touch indeed.

Enough drooling about Jennifer Connely being the perfect throwback to end 30's movie starlets and lets focus on Timothy Dalton. It's hard to play a comic villian and remain threatening but if someone exceeds in that it's the glorious errol flynn's moustached ex-bond here. By far the best and varied actor to have

Ah that's interesting, first reports was that he was cleared of them.

She still is the perfect cartoon BEA(i'm off to cry about my life just saying that) also she covers a mitski song which is some of the best indie-rock out there. She also dresses a bit like Mitski(minus the hilarious helmet) so that might be the change of clothes.

I agree whole heartly, as a young kid(15) I once went with a girl to a date to a razorlight concert. Who I still hate and find obnoxious to no end but the Like opened with their original line-up and it was really good. Nice, slighty clumsy but mostly some killer tunes. Razorlight sucked because
Johnny Borrell can

Yes really like PHASE/JAMMZ and their by far the best thing someone who is in Maroon 5 has ever been close to. Jason Boesel getting a nice post-Rilo Kiley exposure is nice. Their 2015 album was a bit like a more poppy Chrvches which is something I really like to listen to while exercising.

Rabbit Fur Coat by a long shot, it's one of the best alt-country records out of the 00's even but i'm a sucker for country also. Liked Acid Tongue but also prefer Voyager to it with it's glorious dreampop production. Took a while to get into it still.

The like were also pretty underrated, a insider music industry band(dads are long time producer Tony Berg, Mitchell Froom and Pete Thomas who drums for Elvis Costello) pretty much but made enjoyable throwback 60's pop album in 2010 which has some fun tunes. Like this one:…

The pizza underground s(li)ides with you on this point.

Well worth it to get a great running version of Sonic CD for a measly dollar.