Windmill Owner

Hard to judge, Graves was a wrestler for 14 year(!) till he needed to retire and like 3.0 has had bouts in ROH. Most likely he knows them because 3.0 are pretty well known in the indie circuit and were around the same time he was still wrestling the indies.

Still waiting for the internet app that makes Drake sadly moan about selectable 'slightly irritating things' in everyday life. Like being out of groceries, missing your train/bus and needing to wait a hour at the station and your batteries dying. Because that kind of irritating people things seem to inspire his music.

The edge and Christian show. No really

None ironic: Big E, he used to be Big E Langston

It's funny because he is fed up with his position but in the various mini pushes he had he just injured people or got injured himself and had stinkers of matches. Sometimes he can pull of a great match(like on payback) but mostly he is awful.

I think he's going to get the boot or not his contract extended, because well everything you say above and his only over factor being his stupid catchphrase. Still big change he can go to Japan because they love big white guys over there.

Yes, their extremely well animated also in a game that is very good or very bad at characters depending on who you play

It isn't the first time he got injured also. He had a broken leg when their tag team was first getting momentum and it led to solo Big Cass on NXT which was great because it made Cassidy become a better solo wrestler and promo cutter.

Also Ryback was officially sent home at this raw and will be off tv for the foreseeable future through contract disputes. FEED ME MORE TITLE SHOTS

This, cutting back on his promo time also helped but his matches been quite good at least maybe. He's a marvellous tweener who knows how to translate his hated face push to get heat when needed. But yeah man I really quite enjoyed his match with Styles last night

I love how he just kicked Saxton out of his chair, put him on the folding chair and wore JBL's cowboy hat while spewing so many great one liners.

Same here, it's very spotty and delayed in the Netherlands which makes it impossible to watch live ppv's and sometimes even to watch something regular.

Anyone been playing WWE 2k16? I'm late to the party but it's pretty enjoyable beside the quite lackluster career mode. My character look like a cross between kevin owens and jbl whose signatures are the go to sleep(Hideo is still in the game) and the curb stomp also got Layla as my manager. Finishers are the power of

Yeah it was a great episode starting/ending by horrid matches for 2 people who had to be squashed under a minute by their way superior opponent. Still I loved everything else like my personal favourites chikara tag team 2.0/3.0 as the opponents to a menacing looking The Revival. That's how you book a squash match,

It's a bit more mudane side of his persona but it worked in this show because the puppet creations were great, the dialogue really quite good when the subjects were interesting(the one about weed is hilarious) and it's was really well paced with it's various parody stuff on news bulletins keeping it fresh.

Man the British & Dutch even had (two separate!) highly watched idol search show for the new Joseph in the Dreamcoat. The British version even had Webber on jury which just shows how much a tyrant, horrid tasteless and godawful human he is. Here's some footage(… of it even .
It was prediced

Yes exactly, it's still great but lacks the timing and forward momentum Ianucci's writing has. It's a quite British way of comedy writing with nearly no 'cue's for laughter' and real timed dialogue which marks nearly all his work. Still it's not like the serie became unwatchable, far from it even.

Same, i've been enjoying it allot also because mostly the cast remains one of the best on TV these days and the dialogue is still great.

Each for their own, there is one for me because like I said here above the comedy isn't really part of the dialogue anymore and are mostly punchlines this episode. Their great punchlines but their not as fluent as the previous seasons.