Windmill Owner

Also it's the best because it has Big E trying to eat a kazoo, failing at it and throwing it aggressively to the ground.

Main roster Baron Corbin is seriously so much fun, it's nice to have a squashing 'i do what i do' heel on the main again which isn't Lesnar.

You forgot Rogelio's forever BFF

She already has quite a bit more screen time this season when she is not involved with anyone's else storyline but yes ofcourse. I can do with a little less Raf(who is becoming a bit bland, still likeable but bland) and way more Petra

Ofcourse, i wholly agree. It's a way personal matter to shout stuff about and it's affect can only be measured way later then it's active.

Haystacks wresteled all over the states but in the early 70''s he mostly wrestled for Flordia's championship wrestling. Also from the mid 70's he wrestled quite a bit for WWE/WWF

I was on pretty heavy doses of concerta and ritalin till my 16th and i'm still glad I quit it and was supported in it. While I mostly had it for my attention defective disorder and adhd I can do fine without it even it does limits my skills at paying attention at things like school. Still I finished two studies with

Man Carlsen has been a delight with his go honest or go home attitude against Titus and giving everyone's favourite balding showtune spouting BBF a happy relationship. He's the perfect manly counterpart to Titus's very brass loud life attitude.

It's the best one out of the bunch so far for me. Can't wait to praise it's showtuney goodness.

Already saw it at a EU movie festival and it's a doozy. One of the best roles of Patrick Stewart ever, really good cinematography, great music and some really good primal dark drama which reminded allot of the excellent 70's gritty dramas(for example Joe and ofcourse Straw Dogs). It fits in nicely beside his dark

If you mean Xanthippe I disagree a bit even I do get your point. I really enjoyed Dylan Gelula's bratty near parody of a angst ridden teen even it does get kind of love it or hate it in the end of the season.

His SNL stuff was always very hit and miss because he got a very specific comedy style but most of time it worked. His Obama and Prince are some of the most spot on celebrity stuff SNL has ever done.

It's quite a bit more comical cartooney like said below but that also means more Carol Kane who in this episode has all the best lines and ends with a lovely cover with Fred Armisen. The woman is treasure only for being in Transylvania 6-5000 already and the amazing slew of dramatic/comic parts.

I mostly remember being in my mid teens,
The Knife's Silent Shout and bats for lashes fur and gold, crushing on Lily Allen and allot of the DIY stupidity of youtube that is long gone. Like Evolution of Dance which now has 295.934.168 views.

It's huge over here(netherlands) in the hipster/garage singles. Nearly all burger bands that come to Europe play around 3 dates here and their all pretty packed. Also they signed some dutch bands like mozes and the first born and Traumahelikopter.

Yeah it's a easy choice to get some cheap laughs, I like how our culture is now praising itself over and over again that were open to everything but we still reflect in allot of our media that were afraid of it or can't handle it. It's 2016, bad gay jokes shouldn't be a thing anymore as so many things but it remains a

Yes, she starts of as the clumsy teenage daughter in the dysfunctional but loveable family but slowly blossoms in one of the most well written and overall likeable teenager-young adults on comedy tv these days. Eden Sher's infectious energy/belief in the character make it surpass the cringe factor allot of these

Erica in lovely reproduction Rush -tshirts looking like she is straight out of Freaks and Geeks. The show keeps on giving. The dialogue between her and Murray was the funniest exchange the series had for quite a while

In the skies is great, only already for the amazing title track which should be a classic rock staple.