Windmill Owner

The last living….oh wait we found another 3 people on earth.

Ah well each for their own, I liked quite allot of the jokes(the stuff with being a rebelling teenager, sour cream being stupid, the gems just sitting around for the whole episode, Steven shooting from what looked like a bell tower at people, Dewey trying to be a good father but failing at it.

It was pretty empty but it was full of great throw-away gags that made for a relaxing 10 minutes. Isn't that what cartoons are about

Low impact, high fun. Making Buck and his dad more fleshed out people was a good choice because they bring a nice dad and teenage son angle. For the rest it's extremely nice fluent episode that has a couple of great throwaway jokes.

Oh boy I really like creator, it's 80's fluff but the best kind. Peter O'Toole is great in it also and doesn't looks drunk all the time. Also Mariel Hemingway sure has a unique pretty face and is good in it.

Well that was brilliant uper/downer. Liz finds a new love interest, gets reminded of her past, Mayor gets hurt in a very depressing scene and there are still new zombies coming up. Still it feels now they added 3 new plotlines(the company stuff, Lowell and the chief of police being most likely a zombie) the series

So much hunkey well built zombies.

Oh wow I just read the eagle was Jack Swagger's mascot for a while. That's even worse.

Ofcourse he is fighting Hornswoggle. Boy this is bad.

Like being good at commentary? Because they sucked before that, I like Booker T's not giving a rat ass attitude at commentary but please someone f5 JBL 20 times or something.

Does anyone ever wrestle a bald eagle on Raw? Oh wait i'm giving Vince ideas.

Someone please throw a chair at the commentary table with their stupid 'just a couple hours from here' away bullshit they did about Paige and Barret's hometown. For some in the EU a 3 hour ride is pretty long already and well it places you in a completely different part of the UK. A part that general isn't big on

Sillicon Valley keeps on being a brilliant yet niche work of drama. Saying goodbye in lovely fashion to the missed Christopher Evan Welch's Peter Gregory it's not all jokes and laughs. Setting up last minute what seems to be the running plotpoint for this season(The running Gregory's fund and the lawsuit) it mostly

I used it as a example because the American stereotype about English series is that they all get one season(it was a bad example), which isn't always the case. I myself am a European also.

Yeah I remember that and I think that is why he went out of the main field after that. It striked to me as he was making jokes about a touchy subject(as he always does) but forgot it was something that was extremely close and fresh in people minds. He missed ship on that, big time, and the end made his comments allot

It's a myth because allot of European shows have 3 seasons runs. The Day Today was the only one not canceled, brass eye was because media outrage.

Yes! That special was great, it's a bit less joke heavy then most of the other Partridge efforts but I like it's infomercial feel. 'Now the Nethford Forrest means dogging(kissing in slang) or suicide, but i'm oldschool. I'm going for a walk'

Same here but Chris Morris does what Chris Morris likes and we can all respect that. Seriously he had a small part in The Double and did some directing for Veep beside the interviews. That's all he has done since Four Lions came out.

That stalin movie could be great.

You ever saw Mid Morning Matters with Alan Partridge? It's a blast. The second season is coming this year and well if it's the same quality as the previous series and the (great great) movie were in for a gem.