Windmill Owner

I like how American this outrage is also. If this happened anywhere else in the Western World people would be 'like yeah that offensive' but don't go on the freaking huge fence about it, it will cause a minor uproar and die down. Noah made a couple of stupid idiot jokes on twitter, him coming up as a jerk is enough

I like how they are not pushing some love angle on them. Their dialogue is quite true to (friends) life with it's sly remarks and bitching about each other habits but still caring allot for each other. It's good and they make a great team.

Him an Rusev should make up a Street Fighter tag team.

It was a great freaking moment, the chants didn't stop till he left also. Brock going king kong was just, well great. I missed moments like that on raw.

Yeah precisely, it's good the WWE has some good heels who aren't to cartooney. Speaking of cartooned, Sheamus haircut. Why.

Also the wwe takes over the city promo, Axle went golfing. Seriously Axlemania is running wild, even on the green.

RAW after Mania, let the NXT folk come. Lucha Dragons finally landing a place on the roster and having a great tag match teaming up with the New day(more about them later).

Yes, I was first skeptical of Orton's return but he has been working like a horse. All his matches so far have been great and he sure has a that dynamic going with Rollins who also now is official a champion which will either blow up in the face of the authority or make them powerblind again.

Hogan sending out Kevin Nash to fight Axel. Please. Make it happen.

I'm late, summer time, work and not living in the jack swagger tastic USA again throws me completely off to watch mania live.

Yes ofcourse, it seems he reminded the WWE of this and Triple H turned allot more fun the following weeks.

Wrestlemania 32, The Rock as Scorpion King and Arnold as Mr Freeze in a hardcore match.


Triple H never ever was cool so that fitted him well. This was like the geeky kid out of your class getting dropped off by a massive chrome hummer ridden by Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's cheap, cocky and goddamn self promotional but oh boy was it awesome.

A-class list. I can't think of a more adrenaline violent pumping opener as I'm So Gone on teenage hate. Goner did a brilliant re-issue a while back of it with a ton of earlier tapes as a bonus included.

Me neither, everyone for their own. That is spot on how I feel about jezebel, a clickbait site which sometimes hosts some great (slighty hyped or flawed) pieces on our complicated gender culture.

Isn't that completely against their flashy Third-wave feminism ideas? I always just remind myself their owned by Gawker who uses it to make profit.

Everyone always forgets about Keith Levene's amazing guitar playing on those records. Even Wobble is god give the other dopehead in the band also some cred. You ever heard the Steel leg 12inch? It was when both where still in PIL when they teamed up with punk archivist Don Letts to cut a very good slice of deep deep

Nervous Man in a Four Dollar Room later became one of the great later The Fall tracks called Paranoia Man in Cheap Shit Room. Mark E Smith even said he stole it from the twilight zone and translated it to endless touring.

Including a duet with Blixa Bargeld whispering their last words in germantastic english!