Windmill Owner

It's surprisingly decent, those Micheal Winslow 'needs work' jokes made me chuckle out loud. The laugh track gets on my nerves a bit but yeah it just needs a bit more outside the studio pieces from Triumph.

Thanks two broke girls archival unit!

It sure is, it sure is delicious also. Like Mitraillette which is a (half) baguette, with fries, sometimes salad, a ton of fried meat and around 1-4 sauces. Its taking French cuisine and making it heart attack lovely!

The Dutch, the Dutch, I hate them worse than dogs.They live in windmills and mince around in clogs.They don't have any manners They don't say 'thanks' or 'please', all they eat is tulips and stinking gouda cheese… -John Dowie

Fun fact: Belgains are some of the skinniest European people I know.

Yes! But it fell apart and now they got one where they aren't happy about. Hi-jinks ahead in next weeks 'Fries and Congo'!

They should make jokes about Belgium, it's slowly turning into the EU's funny odd uncle with it's hilarious government troubles and those damm French and Dutch speaking guys who can't get allong.

Did they upset the Dutch already? Windmills, prostiution, drugs and bike jokes galore!

Its A mystery, man. It´s a dogma.

I was just thinking the last episode when Jeanne Garofalo was going to show up. YOU JUST LOST A STAR ON DOG-YELP. Also the truth about cats and dogs joke, felt like I really accomplished something in my life when I got that joke.

The prison suburb bus(yeah yeah) was a golden gag, I laughed way to hard at the mushroom jokes also. Overall a very good episode that has allot less screaming and gore then the others and benefit from it.

Like the first thing I also thought of with that sex education talk was that freaks and geeks moment.

The whitest rap album ever and that's not a bad thing. Great instrumentals with very humorous look at regular life into middle class 20 something British life. God I love that ska beat on Lets push things also.

I bet their the LPs only, those glory holes sure look tastefull.

Loved the weekend update bit. Jane Curtain is still pretty spot on even I'm the generation that mostly remembers bothered John Lithgow. Emma Stone doing Roseanne Rosannadanna was spot on. Also Edward Norton sure looks like a aging hipster clubber.

'Hello book that I will never finish'

Isn't there a court date coming up or a hearing?

I was naive to forget their still together.

It must be one of the cheapest yet fun 'gameshows' now on TV. Eichner's sthick can be a acquired taste but shouting YOU GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU Witch and gizzalions of great one liners makes it one of the best laugh out shows now on tv in my opion.