
At this point I’d take a person slipping on a banana into a pile of mouse traps over the current options. 

Obviously, it should be America’s favorite game show host

Not a clue, I don’t pay attention to the Emmys but I assume Masked Singer is popular enough to obtain at least one.

“Nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair.”


(spike lee angrily tweets the virgin mary’s home address)

There’s nowhere to go but up!

Playboy did actually briefly try to pivot to no boobs.

Fuck it, I’ll host the damn thing.

I am sure he thinks he is the perfect casting choice for a young William Shatner.  He probably still has the Kirk hairpieces in his closet.  Just needs to order that extra strength girdle. 

The writer of this article has been misinformed Eternia has always been a planet

Um... Eternia has ALWAYS been a planet, technically ALWAYS making Adam a “space prince”. What/where did you think Eternia was prior to this monstrosity?

Also, this new show looks like hot garbage monstrosity.

“He needs equipment to lose his hair? Amateur.”

come on man

Wasn’t Eternia always a planet? Or, no?

If you’ve managed to avoid the He-Man fandom this long, just keep at it, you’re doing great.

Umm, Eternia was always a planet. Carry on!

“Do we trust Duke with nuclear weapons?”

Who doesn’t?