There’s a SALE at PENNIES!!!
There’s a SALE at PENNIES!!!
Not Debra Stryper?
Kristen Bell and Ted Danson are the equivalent of about three white people apiece; so, kinda.
Upon reflection, I think I coulda tightened it up.
Kit shoulda offered rum and cigar to Jobu to take fear from bats.
Them two!
Such worthy improv skills.
Thanks, Dad.
Rappers are struggling to innovate. We had a guy wear a giant clock around his neck and another one carrying a chalice around. Now, it’s gonna be sensible shoes and Mr. Rogers sweaters. BOOOOYYYYEEE!
1. I’m left-handed. We do indeed rule.
2. Kind of a missed opportunity not calling them “Adeedly-diddly-doodly-didas”
Dear White People Musical? You mean they’re rebooting Springtime For Hitler?
Wasn’t that The Good Place?
Say what you will about Madonna’s acting in other films:
Did the Wheel of Morality tell you that?
“Yeah, I am pretty above it.”
Buy my BOOK! BUY my BOOK! BUY my BOOK!
well, Debra Dokken woulda been pretty stupid.
Aw, c’mon Abbi! You can be doing better than another chezzy reboot nobody’s looking for!
Dammnit, Dannette!