sloppy joseph

I hope so. Consumer Reports has been rating the Genesis brand pretty low for reliability. 

Aha, so a U-Boat then?

I’m certain that it started life as a flood totaled salvage title.

I get you don’t want to give too much away (and lose those valuable slideshow clicks - which I avoid by making the window smaller), but it is really bad form to use the image of a car that doesn’t even show on the list. Especially since the article is about poor reliability.

Am I the only one who doesn’t see an arrow when I see those? All I see is half a Union Jack.

I bought a car (used of course) that unkown to me had an aftermarket “aux in” adapter inserted in-line between the harness connector and the radio. One day driving down the highway the entire instrument cluster goes dark, including all gauges going to zero, and every warning light illuminates. But the car still ran

I’m actually surprised the fuse block isnt so modular that there are plenty of unused circuits. My silverado seems to be shared with all full sized GMs including the escalade because it has circuits for rear heated seats, power liftgate, etc. They are all powered with >10a fuses. If the corvette was similar, there

Yes. It’s not rocket science. Competent electrical engineers designed the car’s electrical system to do certain things in a certain way. When you add a new load to a circuit that wasn’t intended to support it, things are going to happen, and some may be bad.

This is the correct take. Lazy installers damage vehicles, story at 11.

Lucas Black is from Alabama, and doesn’t have much acting range. I’m not surprised he wasn’t able to hide that accent. 


Gas prices are falling and will continue to do so as inflation and supply pressures level out.

Fixed it.

Ah, the same bowl Mazda keeps its fucks about your wants in.

I wanted to read this post because I enjoy the work Torch, Raph, Bradley, Elizabeth, etc., do.

lol, how the fuck old is Ballaban? 95? Jfc

I put my cell phone in the tank bag

If that happens, who would be liable for the damage? Is it the company whose device is susceptible to the damage in the first place, or the one that sold you an official accessory that damages the camera?”

Looks like a training mullet?

My God. Looking at Mike then and Mike now is like looking in a fucking mirror. And it doesn’t make me feel better about myself at all. 2015 Mike was so young, and chipper, and full of optimism. 2021 Mike looks like he’s been through a pandemic with a kid or two and is just trying to survive. He’s lived through a Trump