sloppy joseph

I had a stone stuck in my WRX caliper once - awful noise, but it wasn't too hard to diagnose. Still, probably not the fault of the Mazda design - I'd imagine it could happen to anyone.

As Ken said, but ball pits are awesome.

I don't know about you, but those ball pits are relaxing.

Westy Vanagon, you can just turn around and cook some food while you wait for the traffic to move.

Tesla model S provides the best in-car entertainment without burning fuel.

S Class, for a number of reasons, not least of which is massaging seats.

This reminds me of the lady that thought drinking Monster was making a pact with the devil or something.

Stretched tires = instant CP. Here's how: any owner stupid enough to stretch tires has no business swapping an engine, and probably did similarly stupid stuff to the wiring harness.

I didn't realize Jalops had gotten over themselves and accepted automatic transmissions.

lol. Wasn't this heralded as a Tesla fighter a few days ago?

the real question is what the hell happened to all those beautiful 2010 lotus concepts?!!??!!!!

Hyundai / Kia took one look at the sales numbers of that other pretty, sporty, rear drive performance coupe they make and said, "nope."

I have an e60 535i with the adaptive steering, and it's been my favorite steering car ever.

Seriously guys. Use winter tires. This is just silly. "terrible driving conditions" my ass.

That's a seriously low rent looking dashboard.

The Gen 1 Volt has 4 radiators and cooling loops. I suspect the Gen 2 is similar.

Here ya go.

here is there new slogan, "Chevy, we build civics now!"

You've completely mis-represented what the artist has done here. From the artists website:

Brace yourselves....