sloppy joseph

No but combined with other stuff Having GBA games exclusively on WiiU VC isn't the reason to buy a WiiU Its just another reason to buy a WiiU.

You do grasp that the Wii is dead right? The Wii is no longer in production, you get that right? They will be making nothing more for the Wii EVER, you understand that right? It's obsolete Their last gen ended last year which was the Wii....There is a reason you can buy them now for under $100 dollars

welp you called it

Cool troll bro.

Man, that got weird really quick...

Probably because no one goes to the Window's Store lol!

Except that the Cherokee, love its polarizing face or not, has oodles of talent, on and off road

I like PennDOT's (PA) better...

I can't be the only one here who thought of this immediately?

wow, I never new about the Villager being a Nissan.

Occam's Razor doesn't apply here.

Does this mean that this shit FINALLY gets to end!?!??!

As quick as we all are to blame the parents, who here saw porn at 13? Can we go after your parents with pitchforks?

Good because they would have to screw my boyfriend :)

I'll go halfsies with you on this one :D