sloppy joseph

I agree. But that doesn’t have shit to do with what I was asking about this specific situation.

Considering the broken cycle that the EPA uses for testing, I’ll take that with a grain of salt. Especially when they are the ones rating CUVs as being as efficient or better than the sedans they are based on (quickest offhand example is a CX30 matches the Mazda3 numbers with 1mpg better in city cycle).

Yeah the CX30 is a really good vehicle. That’s why I don’t understand the comment about it being a problem.

When you factor in insurance, interest rates, and maintenance, they absolutely do not.

I feel like UAW is part of the problem as to why unions get a bad rep in the US. Decades of scandals, corruption, and ineptitude really don’t instill confidence in the public. Small part of course. Corporations have done really well at smearing and Union busting over the years. So it doesn’t help when one of the most

This doesn’t sound like a “shit pay” situation so much as a “wait why aren’t there Union guys doing these menial tasks too?”

Considering we’re talking about a 1990 944, that point is largely irrelevant. Boutique shops for convertibles fell out of favor in the mid to late 80s as manufacturers took over convertible production again. Only low volume convertibles were kept with the hack shops. Stuff that they knew wouldn’t sell too well.

Fun fact, the increasing popularity of crossovers and SUVs is offsetting all the positive strides made to reduce global emissions through electric vehicle sales.”

Nah. It’s a bad design too. Gloss black is just one more aspect as to why it’s bad

ITT: Boomers. Most of the suggestions are just people who hate technology or progress. Shocking, I know. 

It also looks like garbage when you have an expanse of glossy black plastic.

Nah that’s bullshit. Plenty of convertibles were factory designed and built in this time period. It wouldn’t make sense to have other companies make all your convertibles. This 944 is an example of outsourcing, but that was nowhere near the norm.

Need to remove the front panel between the headlights.

They looked like that from factory. Porsche rag tops really weren’t attractive between the 1970s and 1990s. 

But…. But the memes say GM bad! 

Yeah man, all those exciting cars you can get for $2k right now 🙄

That’s somehow much sadder 

Nah. That’s bullshit. It’s an excuse of convenience for when someone doesn’t like what you like. My day isn’t derailed because Demuro made a shitty website. No significant amount of time is lost to call out Demuro’s site for being cringeworthy.

Checked it out. No thanks. Demuro is a tool. But the little blurb on every fucking ad is extremely cringeworthy. I feel bad for the intern that has to write that.