Courts not liking TPB, payola Android, hacking of government employees?
Apple want legal proof from the writers that they are the legal owners, who are the only ones who can ask for a takedown. Apple's policy on tethering means that any time it gets through is a mistake, and any correct app review of a tethering app is very short, if it ever starts.
Can't be done, you need a laptop that can share wifi (like any mac).
You can't delete from Photo Stream yet. It's a dumb oversight/bug.
Many apps bundle a mini-Growl with no preferences. 1.2.1 is only on the store, 1.2 is available in general for free, and isn't at all different (I think 1.2.1 dropped Snow support, thats it).
Ha, shit support, or shit addons. I hope Amazon is somewhere inbetween, like Microsoft themselves sell there.
If you ask for one file in three simultaneous consecutive sections it may be faster. Sounds odd, but bittorent somewhat works on this principle (as internet and hard disk speed at the server end rarely matters).
No iMessage? Shame, I might need something next year, but I have an itouch and a payg dumbphone, impossible to be free (for me to reply) and always available.
With HTTP 1.1 you can request a part of the file, for resuming downloads.
I looked at some healthy breakfast bar (not for breakfast, for a big snack) recipes. They are all sugary, to hold it together. Supermarket breakfast bars don't have as much sugar (hard to compare). Jordans breakfast bars are amazing, raspberry and cranberry is my favourite. It looks like the cherry power bar, but no…
Would be better as a website, crowd sourcing to get what you forget, or fill out common questions.
Yes I had that for a while, but even with new irrational people thats rare now.
Get smarter, and you'll be able to prove them wrong with their own crap, trip them up on what they said. Internet trolls are slightly wilder, more able to go off on a tangnet, but IRL this works perfectly every time.
Only the pathetic cable companies do this, and one other (five in total afaik).
Ah good, I did not know.
"It's a sad day when a music streaming service like Spotify integrates your iTunes library and then works better than the software it's importing from." Buy music from itunes, then LH direct you to stream it (either using a lot of internet, or some and poor quality audio). Not a good idea.
US courts said something along the lines of you need more proof than just an IP and a date to get a name.
Many of these Mac/iOS apps only heavily use Cocoa, can't be ported without a whole rewrite, and theres not really anything like Cocoa, let alone api-equal on windows.
How is it infringement if you don't make any money off it? Infringement normally means intent to use for others, or with malice. Lobbying probably expanded it.