
Good thing they just did a massive upgrade of Safari's jail to keep it all locked in a process with no access. Convincing the user is the only option.

It isn't security through obscurity, it's a really safe OS. You have to download a program claiming to be a porn video codec or virus scanner, and do the whole admin login process for it to do anything harmful.

Any additions to iChat to improve anything? Chax is good, but does nothing for video.

I'm currently using Apple's old Mighty Mouse and I'm offered a Magic Mouse for Xmas, are they easy to use? I'm fine with the gestures, but it's a different shape.

Read the article again, content is made for 60hz. If I understand correctly, live sports is awful quality because of the several steps of live-time encoding, so 120hz just adds half-way images between already low quality frames.

I read a bit more, it seems that the iPhone does ask you when you install ios5 if you want to send anonymous reports back, a lot said no and it does nothing. Most if not all US networks put this on all their Android phones, theres no way to turn it off, and it does far more than the ios version like every keystroke

True, but Apple were known at the time of the iphone launch to have insisted on a lot more control, that the carriers couldn't add apps. And it shows, they have a fairly different system, with much better user control.

Opera. It's the best anyway.

Apple have far more control, it's really quite likely that they don't allow the carrier to change anything on the phone unlike Android phones with Verizon market and so on.

I'd doubt it, just because it's Android, it's added by the carrier, and because it seems its everywhere.

It's ok for governments to tax you, why can't companies do the same? Or shouldn't the gov tax people?

It's their product, they can be as stupid as they like.

I'd promote if I could, but I say the same thing as you too often to be able to do so.

I agree, but I'm wondering what other sports this applies to. Skate boarding, rollerblading and so on you have similar dangers. Walking, running you're slow, what about snowboarding?

Mint works with some British banks, the website details which.

"Think about how the texture of each feels in your mouth, think about how sweet one type of the fruit is in relation with another. If you can start to recognize these types of elements in other things you taste regularly" Maybe you are judging on too few factors, maybe you'd come to the same conclusion anyway, it's

I wish they'd sort out extensions in a proper way, like loading each one into the js process of the websites that need them, rather than giving each tab, and each extension a process each. If the tab crashes, does it really matter that atm the extension won't crash? No.

Depends how much power they have, often the level-1 overseas people probably can't do anything that isn't in their script.

Adobe promised flash for more platforms/versions of android than it delivered. The 'kept' promises were many months behind.

It has flash in the normal android way, promised to come soon after launch, may come many months later.