I have the legs to quite easily stay in top gear at 20-30rpm, it's my idea of lazy (despite going sprinting pace or more). I'll stick to that, as I can't hold onto the fat.
I have the legs to quite easily stay in top gear at 20-30rpm, it's my idea of lazy (despite going sprinting pace or more). I'll stick to that, as I can't hold onto the fat.
I'll guess, something for New York only will come first, something very weak for the world second, and something for US third.
Shame about the linkbait iphone link, from a comment there "Agreed, why not "Android Accelerometer Could Spy On Computer Keystroke?" After all, it's the security-plagued Android app platform that would provide the easiest access. Not to mention Google is the one with a business case for spying on users, as their…
Journalists like a bit of bad news, hence antennagate, the 4s disappointment, doubly so with internet writers. They remember more than we do how much Apple is doing to protect us (daily signature updates since 10.6.6 or so), so they think more of it when something gets past all this.
You want someone who visits the area, who can drop by. I know someone who rents from someone who owns half the road, and has a handyman team always doing something, so the kitchens/etc are redone every fiveish years. There's much less hope with someone who won't come and see the problem, let alone them having to…
Water, headphones, electricals (ipod and dumbphone), money (prefer card, cash for when they don't accept small transactions).
Blizzard do, but only because they convinced the CEO/etc, or the CEO knows it has legit uses. It's hard, I think even Blizzard admit they are like .5% of torrent traffic where 98% is illegal.
I never said quality matters, but again, I've always seen Apple's quality praised and the quality of other things said to be not enough. I'm not emotionally invested, I care about the facts, the important one to me was ease of use, I just don't have to care about keeping it running, keeping it clean, and yet I still…
This is one of those articles that makes me want something written about what you can learn from autism, what habits are better the autistic way. Many.
Just because we're not used to Apple not finding the best way to do things first doesn't stop them coming second.
Market share/customer satisfaction disagrees. You aren't buying one so it doesn't really matter you're 'displeased'.
Paid for with the same evil means - since I bought my iMac and iTouch I've not bought anything from Apple, pirated their software, bought some apps that gave them 30%, pirated music. Is buying free apps from Apple helping their evilness in the same way as Google earth?
Realise the alternative - selling your data to advertisers (or more accurately, showing you ads when your info matches preset ad info). You're calling free good, you don't get a free lunch.
Huh? I can't tell which side you're on.
Out of interest, why do you trust Google more?
I think you need iTunes to put non-Store things into iCloud.
No, it's LAN traffic.
Last I saw of g/n tests, n was nearly 2x as fast in real-world.