
How dependent can you be on streamed files? If you churn (add, listen and remove) 5gb of music a month now, and you want to stream that, that'll cost monthly. Also depends how many apps you have.

My front wheel and seat come off without tools. I only use a simple curled lock around the frame below the saddle.

Still US-only. Still going to torrent Siberia (Light's album on that page, go get it).

I'm annoyed VNC has never improved. Surely they can make better use of the far more reliable internet we all have now. Even on a LAN, either it sucks, or I need to know what settings to change.

It's on your xbox, it's not a dvr.

Good, because half my class are upgrading within their contract to the 4s and have broken phones in the past.

Common sense, and the normal way to make profit are at odds. UK has building societies, banks that are part-owned by every customer, is there a US equivalent that might be nicer to the customer?

I read something that suggested that the free version is the same, for Snow and Lion, 1.3 in the store has no obvious improvement, and Lion only.

I've been eating a lot more eggs, should I care much about cholesterol?

Part of the point of this article is that you go for the connection your devices have, so thunderbolt is a good choice because the market will get bigger, ESata's market is going to stay tiny.

How do I get started with them? How reusable are they? Cheapest UK source? Any software simulators to learn with?

Bah, another library based app. How are you meant to represent your whole library in something you can fit on your ipod? Why can't itunes tell these apps what you have. 122Gb library, 8Gb ipod touch.

All unices can do this, probably Cgywin too.

While I would like to see this in my country, I want to see this in Dubai and China, the massive airports are there. Any floorplans of theirs, or China's upcoming one available?

Just call the iPod the Classic, so newcomers are dissuaded, but keep it around, if an equally big ipod touch is possible it'll be overpriced and wasted on most people who just want all their music and probably already have a itouch/iphone.

It's good to have a paranoid person around, but citations please.

They don't tell you what is important or not, programs like this know what folders don't matter (you can accumulate gigs of temporary data on any OS).

You have to be vomiting violently to lose hunger? Then I've only ever vomited violently, I though that was the only way. Water + water soaking PLAIN foods like bread, sufficiently apart so that they don't equal each other out. Be careful how quickly you move, turn, smell strong smells. And remember how directly this

Wax crayons on sandpaper or something like that, then iron it on.

So many of these places would get one person who doesn't want anyone to play music, to take phone calls, to type loudly, etc. Play ad-free classical music in the background (or allow headphones), everyone has wireless phones so they can go downstairs, and use shallow keyboards, then I'd like it.