
Good for you? It's all saturated fat. I meant for making anything not stick we use sprays. In the sponge cake I used marg because it's whats needed, and tastes good.

Erm duh? This may be a fact that most people don't see, but theres a lot you can learn that will improve you. Other such facts - what you do during pregnancy affects your grandchildren, your child's eggs are made within you. And I'm a dumb little boy.

Frequent exercise, full bladder, sunshine, fresh air (too still today, sucks). No habit in there, I doubt there ever will be.

I'd rather have an app wake me up (Sleep Cycle) than help me get to sleep, or use prerecorded 'soundtracks' played in itunes. Going to sleep is a matter of patience/tactics, waking up is a matter of timing.

Or... use healthy oil, not animal fat. We have a spray, we use it for everything, like frying, scrambled eggs, sponge cakes.

Ugh.. she mentions condoms and birth control, but somehow doesn't trust them, preferring self-control which has clearly failed between the two of them. And she's only just distrusted enough for those minor likes of non-republicans ways to 'prevent' teen pregnancies to be written off as silly little girl. Which is

I believe their religious books mildly dislike other religions, and extremists took this to the extreme. It might be something odd like Islamic converts aren't accepted by most, whereas christian converts are (and onto heaven). Christians generally stick to persecuting their own (see English history 1534-~1700) or

They manage to put spines in robots? I guess the men of that family are spineless, the tv show backs this up.

"Watch it again in slow motion (where it happens just as fast because we only have 50fps camera)"

Maybe the pure evil in her blood killed the third baby. Because of course by the time the baby has blood, you're pregnant. Apparently the Bible says so. What exactly are these right-wing nuts basing their ideas on if not the bible?

How dare they make something too complicated for anyone to understand the true cost/complexity of it.. I mean a car moves something, like a horse. Here, I'll buy this Bugatti, here's my donkey to pay for it. This is the bit where you walk over to the salesman, ass.

Democracy fails if you can't choose to not pick something?

If it isn't exactly usb shaped (doubt it could be) why does it need to be similar?

HD isn't always enough. And "general public" don't have to believe in every new thing immediately.

The port is made for the cable, the port directly connects to the motherboard. Where are you seeing the weak link?

It's better because it's thunderbolt, and it has a lot in it because thunderbolt has to.

Check behind for prossys.

Why bother putting more than a few days of music on at a time? You can easily fit 100 apps, 100 photos and 100 hours of music on 8gig, and they don't even sell 8gig iphone 4. I have an 8gig ipod touch 4, and a dumbphone with a 4gig memory card. I have 350 apps on the ipod and can have about a week of music on the

We might be, we tech-news-readers, but not everyone.

Upload all your music and either stream it over 3G or buy a memory card - or let icloud let you download what you bought on itunes amywhere including on your iphone on wifi to listen to later. One of them works better for the majority of people, the latter.