
There's a switch to disable this video, but it doesn't work on Mac. Dislike. You can disable ipx (lan crap of 90s) and joysticks (Macs don't have the ports for them).

Has the contents of this app been published anywhere in a better form, e.g. for Instapaper?

@Avastmateys: The first sentence kinda confirmed you weren't a fanboy, it set the tone for the opposite. Sup Samsung fanboy, there aren't many of you.

@tekdemon: I turned off location services for all apps I didn't think needed it.

@Andur1l: You wouldn't want to, with all those viruses it won't be your data for long.

I don't know if I should get a trackpad or a graphical (Wacom) tablet. I'm more interesting in drawing and handwriting (to be recognised) so I suppose that decides it for me, but anything else I should know?

Varied, consistent and evolving. Tailored? Self-written?

Opera uses a single file for its browser sessions (no idea which), you could put that in Dropbox and not have to bother with the overhead of an extension (or even Chrome).

I put the browser downloads folder (Opera's is temporary_downloads) in the sidebar, so I can get to it easily. Much much neater than naming files..

I use Wifi2Hifi [] and there's a pretty big gap. I can't find my itunes receipt for buying the app, weird, I think it was on 59p sale.

What if we aren't a student or writer, what if we have the money to have standards?

Like with everything computers, physical access means they have everything. Apps can never get accessed to this. Still, bit weird. It's the exact same information you can get from your phone company (I believe someone asked for a freedom of information or whatever your equivalent is, and got 30k locations where his

@pixelsnader: I wouldn't be surprised if people hopped between Androids trying to find something good.

"Also, why didn't anybody build the Android equivalent of an iPod touch sooner?" Because it's impossible? It'd be twice the price and you know it..

Are there some good ones that are easily installable? It sounds like a good prank, and I can't be bothered with a full backup.

@BoltBoy: What power? The luxury pays for it self hundreds of times over in tourism.

Start with making them apply for a licenCe, and they'll be on their way to speeding on the motorways.

@BoltBoy: The future of the money-making monarch depends on a child born to married parents.

Europe gets to the moon about a decade after Nasa and China? Wikipedia gets 30m articles after ageing is reversed?