We need more animations of Jobs doing movements (like anything fast) that he would never do.
We need more animations of Jobs doing movements (like anything fast) that he would never do.
@Gilliam: Haha I see that too.
@mullse01: I dunno.. Quagmire seems like a dumbphone kinda person. [www.youtube.com]
So.. this is a behind the scenes of the BBC nature program? Just say so then. The diaries of Attenboroughs programs are always amazing.
Well.. the way M$ lie and all, I'm surprised they aren't still giving these out.
Does this apply to waffles too? Wouldn't want to buy them on monday.
It took you this long to research a way to stop crying over how much hate you're still getting for the redesign?
@Terry: The next most popular was probably invalid, like Chrome or a command line program.
The volume thing works on Macs too.
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I'm happy about this BBM thing, it's one of the final barriers for complete access to everything. Till those people finally get an iphone.
@Malthian: Verdict on what? There isn't anything for there to be a proper verdict on. The (far)right will quietly fail like they always do.
@Peter Wong: Homework on your ipod? And yes, Apple don't want it. So that answers it forever.
@AJ: They are stubborn to put anything there at all. I can't see any connectors, any gaps in the front of my imac, they are all tidily together on the back, It's the sleek way for the masses.
What games actually work for this? Even something like Mario games are too consuming.
Damn I was thinking of Bill O'Reilly when I clicked on that. But can he really get any more senile?
Weird measurements are weird. A woman has made all her eggs before she is born, but her fallopian tubes are like (no idea) .5cm at birth and (no idea) at least five times longer when she is conceiving.
Wow there is news about Opera that isn't (correctly) proving it amazing. Just proving Apple silly, which amounts to the same thing.
Shame io9 is unreadable. I hope they get something good, I like to comment on old stories so the mobile site isn't any good.