
You need to get a UK writer to make a UK comparison, stat!

I'd rather pay Chax (rather than libpurple) to help them integrate audio/video, maybe Kickstarter?

Pretty much every program will stay open, with a blue light in the dock, after you've closed every window. Just hit the red circle in the corner, or Ctrl+W if you have one window.

Can you cut up coke lines with it?

I hate the shitty sensilization of this. You could just tell us about Macrumours page of what to buy or to wait. But no, you Apple lovers have to go scare off buyers. This is shit.. you're like the newspapers who say everything causes cancer, then happily splashes Mobile Phones Don't Cause Cancer. You're as bad as the

Will it wash out my GF's iPad? I'd happily buy it once a month to keep her iPad and its region Apple-only, plus me.

Audiophiles still wouldn't be happy. Semi-audiophiles like me are sane enough to know that high quality mp3 is good enough.

I hope they still bother updating Win7 in 2013 while they are still struggling to push out Win8. 2013. But anyway, they'll have to support it so long, and we know they will because of XP.

@javabean_elpaso: No, I haven't seen complaints. M$ keep things beta till they are ready to commit to them, Gawker should do the same.

@MattyMattMatt: I don't either, I just want them to push us away, or reverse this.

Either he's got a very lean Windows install, or he doesn't need to reboot for months. I'd go do something physical, like open the window and listen for birds, then get a drink of water.

I think someone (doesn't have to be LH) should do progress reports, quarterly check if Libreoffice and anything else worth trying (Neooffice, Novells fork if they are different enough) to tell us whats new, and Word compatibilities.

I was talking this over last week with some people who were pretty dumb about it. They wanted to get drunk, find girls and find any nice food left over. I wanted to learn medicine and engineering, do that daily radio broadcast like in I Am Legend and burn anything that will rot. Stockpiling rice, pasta, couscous and

Yet another thing almost showing that the writers aren't happy, there was a funny thing recently where there were two articles together, "Nokia finally faces the hard truth" and "Would it really be hard to design all restaurant websites like this". Is that a fingers up to your leaders?

Anything like Nomis for Mac? Album reminder is a bit poor.

I hope for decent hubs, like light peak, usb3, gigabit ethernet, hdmi and firewire. Something we can slip in a small laptop bag with a macbook air.

@Captain Canon: It's a proper stepping stone, the right port and all.

@Gamecat235: Only for the people who get so shit-wrecked they already have wrinkly skin. Minus the people so tanned their skin is leather.

I'm hoping my parents will get an Aston, and get me a Cygnet. It may be ugly(!) but it's an Aston. I hope it takes bike racks. But yeah, general insanity of the quarter life crisis.

It's too vague. I think of that as Star Wars reference because I saw it a few weeks ago, but it could easily be something else, even Rainman.