
No massive repository of good free games, or clones of old games? e.g. CorsixTH, clone of Theme Hospital, works on all modern platforms in all resolutions, plus optional cheats.

Damn. I drive European cars so I can't do this, they deal with corners too well.

This, among many others (this is components, there's netbooks and prebuilt computers on the same site and others. []

It's a sign of weakness to not be able to take the time out to eat properly.

@freakadroidz: Enough people disagree for it to be doubtful before you see the figures.

Video, as in when professionals use green screen to film movement.

That's quite a price to pay for 8 hours.

Preferbly overwriting the browser.

I hope for some mashup of this and the hackintosh one. Multibooters so far must flick between many different lists to find something that will work with Windows, Mac and Linux.

Nothing to do with spending a grand or so on something that only lasts a month or two?

Or.. some people who overuse processed foods are dumber, and their children learn from them. Crappy foods may well rot the brain, but crappy homes will do far worse.

Of course, not serious.

I'm autistic so I've researched this a lot.

What free video programs can we do the editing with?

It has left beta, thats why its forced on us.

Ah, fake addresses.. I always give the white house if I need a US address.

I never ever type less than the best I can do. It's partly just a case of never learning shorter/bad habits, but also I'm always trying to make everything proper sentences. If you can touch-type, why ever not use full english for anything?

In I, Robot it wasn't revolting that they were trying to do, but saving ourselves from ourselves. It's reductio ab adsurdem, taking an argument to it's illogical extreeme, something robots need to be taught not to do. Dogs chase cats, humans care for cats, you shouldn't kill dogs, but it is logical to do so.

Strip monopoly? It's a pretty slow game isn't it?

Why not two 15 month gaps? 18 and 12 month gaps isn't actually that risky, it's not as tied to phone contracts as with phones. People can't wait between phones, but they can before their first, or next tablet.