In first-world countries maybe, but not Egypt, they are second-world and haven't got adequate social care and so on. Not that they have much hope, being in Africa and all.
In first-world countries maybe, but not Egypt, they are second-world and haven't got adequate social care and so on. Not that they have much hope, being in Africa and all.
@Dezerus Richardson: No-one to ddos, except maybe the stock exchange.
Can they be made out of any odd-number?
@Jason Douglas: Free speech is free speech, it's not radicalising anyone
I've never seen a detailed explanation of how US student debt works. Here's the UK system.
I wish there was a UK version of this, last summer or so there were many hassles over places like the Gherkin, and while the photographers were legal, bluffing wasn't enough for some policemen.
If I ever want a picture of me with small equipment, I'll stand by the other end of it.
I eat about 3500 calories a day of mostly self-prepared (and therefore tasty) food and I still find this tempting.
I got pissed off when someone (who frequently comes up with bullshit stories) suggested that subliminal advertising is allowed, I said no, it's illegal with harsh penalties and he suggested I was tricked into saying that by adverts.. Yeah, I think he didn't take delivery of his brain out of paranoia.
If you like that, you'll like this []
Isn't it more of a feature of a bunch of lifestyles? If you want implants maybe you're more likely to get cancer from other personality traits, like drinking or living in a city.
@LarryDavidsalterego: Better manager. It can't be anything to do with themselves, it just can't, unless we're in opposite land now.
@WolfRogers: That's a matter of opinion, I was trying to extend the logic of the Apple jailbreaking case to this particular bit.
Trust Fox news to find a shit autism story..
A pirate helps the immediate buzz at launch, you can't do that if you're buying it a year later. I'm buying a ps3 soon, I would torrent some games if my b/w was more.. so I'll buy some second hand.
I know this is common business to freeze things, but considering that jailbreaking other things are allowed, the court should be slightly in favour of Hotz. Precedent dammit.
3G isn't tied up here. Sure, you get subsidised iPads if you tie up with one provider, but it's identical to phones, you own it after 18 months and can change the sim card and so on. Exclusivity isn't the danger it is elsewhere, I've never known anyone to pick their carrier first unless they are continuing a contract…
Ehh.. I'm starting to dislike Skype in favour of Google, I prefer something based on xmpp and not needing to pay for mac video chats. Surely Google could pay for free 3g text chat on all mobile consoles.
I see Daft Punk and the Judoon. Who are the other dances?
I think they'll make one major and two minors changes before everyone just gets used to it. I hope there's some amalgamation, skins in this style for others, or this being skinnable.