I feel bad for the owner who had to put the place back together afterwards, but man, that woman goin for the ventilation shaft has seen one too many movies...
I feel bad for the owner who had to put the place back together afterwards, but man, that woman goin for the ventilation shaft has seen one too many movies...
Small Mind: Hammond is his name, use Hammond.
All these changes sound great, but I just want to be able to exit a match in less than 30 minutes.
See I can get behind this but come on. Hammond the Hamster voiced by the Actual Hammond Hamster. This is the one time I’ll go against Crews (don’t hurt me Terry ilu)
Man, I don’t know, my 80% win ratio with Mei often meant people wouldn’t shit on me for choosing her when my healing mains were taken.
sorry, are you asking if we should trust the guy who created the characters and stories for OW about Tracer’s character and story? Or that we shouldn’t trust the official comic about Tracer and her girlfriend? Or are you ignoring the voiceline she has in the game where she wonders out loud if she has time to visit her…
hate to be this bitch but i’m gonna be this bitch
How is this comment relevant? That guy looks exactly like he aged 45 years between those photos.
Is “soil” Caliber a romance sim? No? Then your logic is flawed, Flawed_Logic. If the only objectification of women in games was in dating sims, we’d be miles ahead of where we’re at.
“There are women out here in real life that do have these body types.”
Very nicely reported, Elizabeth, thank you.
I think about this everyday. On the outside I am a fairly successful attorney/writer working in nonprofit in DC. I volunteer, I went to law school as a second career late in life. I travel extensively and I’m a photographer who takes pretty good wildlife shots.
I don’t think he’s asking for sound cues to be subtitled, I think he’s asking for the casters to be subtitled, which makes sense.
So... a parroty, of the Firebird?
I thought bumper stocks were banned.
Yeah...this one’s actually quite nice...