
This game desperately needs more incentives to play Supports and Tanks. They should look at HotS’ dailies and hero leveling system. As for the queue time for DPS ... I don’t mind, let them wait.


Going to offer a potentially unpopular opinion here, but please bear with me and read the whole thing (I know I’m long-winded; I apologize for that):

It seems to me (and please correct me if I’m wrong) that most of these streamers and pro gamers are relatively young (my read is generally late teens to early twenties).


I’ve become more and more sold on the belief that there are two types of people in this hobby: People Who Enjoy Games, and capital ‘G’ Gamers.

People who enjoy games love the hobby, love talking about it, and being social with eachother, but we can also disconnect from our hobby to enjoy other aspects of life and don’t

Sounds like you’re trying to equate “cunt” to the n-word. Let’s not do that.

Bless your heart.

poor broke and unemployed. think about it all the time. no union has ever heald me down. I am not one of the overconfident cowboys that think they can fight a giant corporation all by their swaggering selves.

Look in the greys baby 

Unions are the only way to save the middle class. Good for you guys and best of luck.

It’s possible to use Zen as a main healer but it takes a good team to protect his slow moving ass. Pros do it because all they do is play with their team. People expecting to do that with players that you get randomly matched with are fucking delusional.


This is the kind of quality content I crave.

And you are exactly the sort of person these articles are about.

I haven’t run into this guy yet, but I did rescue a civilian being dragged across a hill by a cultist, and then accidentally killed her as I tried to save her from the turkeys. There were two of them, and they attacked in a pincer maneuver. Clearly the turkeys are the real threat in Hope County.

That’s great. Play in Quick Play. Enjoy. Stay the fuck out of Competitive if you don’t want to compete.

Your argument is like saying you can take as many free samples at Costco as you’d like because you’re both customers, and they’re free, so it’s no problem. Well, the issue is that, despite not banning or stopping someone from doing so, it’s impeding on everyone else’s fun who is trying to do things the right way.

“I just don’t focus primarily on teamwork” on a game that’s 100% focused and built around teamwork, and complimentary play?

It’s not a “right” for people to want competitive to stay as such. Think of it as more of a social contract. I enter competitive mode, rather than Arcade/QP, because I am assuming everyone else selecting that mode is like myself, in it to win it.

But, inherently, games are more fun when you win. If there were no actual competitive aspect to the game, I could understand your point. Without some kind of story mode, I would argue the competition is the purpose of the game.