
I can promise you, from the bottom of my heart, I have never said anything along the lines that ice cream has the power to change one’s sexual orientation.

.... haven’t pulled this one out in a while, but; Dear Mr. Lasner and Dear Husband of Mr. Lasner,

I actually think he looks way better now to be honest. It was too gaudy before now its been toned down and he looks refined, love it.

thats good, accuracy does not have to be unenjoyable, often its just people reaching out to each other and talking rather than shouting. everyone wins from that. its good when people reach out to help rather than shout, and the others receive it openly instead of getting defensive, we all get stuff from that.

I’ll take pompadours over head dresses any damn day of the week. The fact that you can design a Native American warrior with a WAR POMPADOUR and have it be historically accurate is the best thing I’ve heard in a long time.

It’s crazy that people still don’t know about these sub-blogs. They aren’t exactly new or anything, but people never miss a chance to complain about them even though no one forced our put-upon friend here to click on it.

The Chinese must have forgotten that Thursday is Italian BMT day, not American ROV day.

People need to stop with this shit. My dad is going to start expecting my brother and I to restore some old Bronco and it ain’t happening.

grow up, kid.

Kind of like you and other commentors that have to take every opportunity they get to denigrate feminists? To pretend that all feminists are the same and they all believe in your distorted version of what a feminist is and what they believe? And no matter what anyone says or does you still aren’t happy? Do less


I wish these old men would just die off already. FFS they all look like Senator Palpatine’s last dying breath before the dark side takes over.

Still for waiting for the “rally” option in Google’s turn-by-turn directions.

Good thing you mentioned you once dated a creator of a small cheap game, otherwise all of journalism would be called into question


I don’t know what this guy did, and it probably shouldn’t matter, but is punching the shit out of a guy on the ground the technique cops are trained with to arrest a guy? I mean there must be a ton of adrenaline going on, I get that. But there’s gotta be better way, doesn’t there? I mean, how many punches do you

I can’t fathom why they didn’t bring over the squad mutany feature from BF4 and Hardline. It was used to switch Squad Leader when enough people in the squad hit the “Request Order” com row button.

It’s very quiet, and I’m not sure what you mean by “smart” and “intuitive,” but I’m just going to assume you mean to ask if it feels like it’s designed by a real human being – in which case, it’s great. It feels like a very smart Swede sat in a car and thought about the ways people actually use cars, and it’s a world

Act superior if you want, but as someone who doesn't know who Billy Bush is, I feel like the real winner here.