
This was on playstation. Anyone feel like letting PSN in on this too? Maybe make his (NATHANTHEHICC) online gaming life a little harder. You know, just a little “playful immaturity”.

LFG players in OW are getting to be as annoying as that silent two-stack that snap picks genji and hanzo and does terrible in solo queue. Especially the type of person you described where certain people scour player numbers like they are some sort of god. Like, dude. We’re the same rank. We’re both just as bad/good.

Totally agree. It actually makes me think of classic cars with so little on the dash. 

Wait, did these nerds expect folks to actually be playing when recording a dumb lip sync video?

You need to chill

Dang, thanks for the heads up

Wanna sell that link then? ;) (kinda not joking either haha)

That bike looked like a Vespa Grande moped

Is this in any way related to a female portrayal in a game? 

My win rate would like to disagree. I think he’s awesome now. Although the ult def isn’t as useful now. 

Nevermind, I'm dumb. It's literally in the image. Stoked to see rush is gonna be back.

Wait, hol’ up. Criterion Games is doing the BR? Hmmm.... isn’t their only work for DICE on the vehicle portion of the Battlefront games? Hmmmm.... wonder what they have in mind. 

Oh for sure, they were in the Beta, and frontlines has a rush element to it, but I haven’t heard about any proper Rush modes. Although, from what I see from looking for rush servers BF4 and BF1, it doesn’t seem too popular sadly.

No rush planned for BFV :(

Unless you heard something different??

There is already news about their battle royal mode, hunter vs hunted haha. 

I’m actually okay with this. These games can get boring pretty quickly so having fresh content come down the road, and having it open to everyone (thank god there’s no more fracturing with dlc/premium) should hopefully keep it alive. 

“What does this have to do with video ga... oh”

I feel ya, comrade* (ftfy)

Granted I wasn’t really looking but yea, kinda snuck up on me

It’s good of him to acknowledge that language being normalized in sections of the internet and that it’s still not okay.