This really makes me sad... we must protecc
This really makes me sad... we must protecc
You are one spicy troll. Now lemme block ya
What do you play on? I want to pre-block you.
Then don’t go into comp. Stay in QP.
Damn... straight fire
Into this
A key of trolling is to not be so obvious.
One thing I never got was why people have to use slurs to shit talk? Like... I will never not teabag a camper or loudly tell a teammate on overwatch comp to get off a character they suck at, but... one doesn’t need to use slurs? Idk. And when people go from “Ha, you got wrecked” type of shit talking to “you’re a…
Can’t wait for the game to be a glitchy mess on-the-go.
If you don’t see how this is big gaming news, you’re dense.
Hell yea. Also think about the cost savings to our infrastructure. We don’t need walls, we need trains and buses. And the new Fiesta.
Not evolved enough to read
Sounds like something a beta would say /s
(I too had high hopes for this one but that definitely doesn’t help)
“Alright, come back to me, around the corner, where no one can shoot at us and I have not peeked once, and I’ll give you some healing”
2 seconds later, “Nevermind, junkrat spammed grenades from their spawn and one randomly bounced on me”
My history of a support main.
Who brought this joker out of the greys?
His run reminds me of
Anyone else have that issue where the removing of the joy cons have worn out the little button bits and now the joy cons can slide off the switch without pressing the button? I hate that... I wonder if replacement bits are available or something. Similar to the attached link
Read before ya comment.