Can’t even stop appropriating black culture to be racist about black folks. Typical
This is great news. If only I could stand the guy.
Hey! That’s my friend’s super ratty tomos moped with the two front lights! Glad to see they got some bikes in.
It’s about ethics in game journalism
This genuinely sucks.
Skinny non stretch jeans and I put a 3dsxl in it no problem. Bulbous for sure though.
How did the horizontal joy con feel with the strap attachment?
The cutest and most informative video on a robust parental control system. Huh.
Volvo S90 with that beautiful wood interior. Why was this even a question?
wake me up when they sell just the case
I’ll be the first to complain about certain Nintendo choices but I’ll also always be the first defender of their products as well. When more than 2 people show up to my house, that’s nintendo time. When people who aren’t great at video games want to try something, the nintendo comes out. When my internet crashes, the…
I am loving the ikea interior. Swede all the cockpits!
Him, John Oliver, and Samantha Bee have been killing it lately. I still hope Trevor finds his groove though. And some more diverse voices would be nice.
And I thought I didn’t have a life. Wow.
Is anyone surprised? Really?
ALL THESE SJWS MESSING WITH... jk, this was awesome that they went back and made changes. And then made it a free update. It ain’t hard to be a little considerate of other cultures.
That’s really cute of Citroen to do. And very French. So so French.
I don’t care if I’m in the minority but I hate that color on it.