jonbenet ramsay snow

I think they’re at a hotel, where it’s annoying but unsurprising that they’d mark it up like to that sell poolside

They aren’t allowed to leave, read, watch tV, call home except for designated times. If you’re not into the dude (or even if you are) it sounds awful.

It should be more embarrassing that he and his million writers won for anything than that they played him off after HE LITERALLY ADDRESSED “the kids” after months of accusations of being into teen girls.

I’m genuinely baffled by this take. They cut off a bunch of people tonight, but well known ephebophile Aubrey Graham is the person we are going to bat for?

Lol thanks sorry I feel like I should change it since it’s pretty outdated anyway

Also his thoughts about it being an “opinion based sport” read to me as being addressed to those of us with opinions about his cutesy texts with young teens. It’s generous of you to say it’s about rap.

Or perhaps this person is a troll of whom I’m unaware. But regardless of the crappy phrasing this is a super bad take on the part of Jez

Come on in this context “you people” means the writers at Jezebel and you must know that 

Your point is buried under the fact that he hits on teenage girls and literally addressed his speech “To the kids”. I’m severely disappointed in this

Poor Melania Trump. All old troll and no pizza.

I guess it’s nice that she’s allowed to have friends? Also could we get quotes or something in the title this was confusing as hell.

I think it was on this very site back in the day that I first saw this, which is my favorite variation:

  • Lea “One L” Michele

Kept the blanket and ditched the Crazy, you guys won in the end lol

I like that we are having this conversation because of this and You, but I think you’re missing the point. Other commenters have been more eloquent than me though so I’ll just say that

Yes I was going to say!

Actually very interested in the idea of Dave Chapelle in that and anyone besides Jared Pedo too

This is a pretty gross statement coming from someone with this username.

Cool. Tell that to my Semitic ass at 12 years old sobbing because boys made fun of my mustache, or yesterday annoyed when I raised my arm up and a man said “Dude shave that shit” and I had earlier that day. This is a really bad take.

I’ve done standup and waitressing in comedy clubs. Worked for ten years in the DC burbs, worked at one in Times Square for THREE WEEKS before being done.