But man if she were well it would be great. They all meet back up again at her funeral to figure out who killed her!
But man if she were well it would be great. They all meet back up again at her funeral to figure out who killed her!
My mom says the same thing, and I get it to an extent because while I don’t like bad things happening to children I will lose my shit if something happens to a dog. I’m a huge fan of doesthedogdie.com
Tens of people want to know!!
Wasn’t Rose McGowan supposed to do this movie years ago? This is such a mess.
Thank you, #metoo has been instrumental in beginning to take these assholes down
Part of it is funny, and part of it is not because it is too true to be funny and that’s what she addresses about reality
I LOVE seeing mostly comic actors take on drama (Steve Carell in Little Miss Sunshine, Chris Tucker in Silver Linings, John Goodman himself in 10 Cloverfield Lane!) so I’m so pumped for this. What was the drama where you first saw Michaela?
If you are just watching clips you are missing the point. There is an arc and a story to any good comedy special, it’s especially true here.
I do standup comedy in NYC and can safely say I’ve never heard this many men talking about a woman’s Netflix special EVER. It’s definitely part of it.
First time I cried during a Standup special. Since I haven’t been around Jez in the past year or so I started doing comedy in NYC and men are so much worse in this scene than in theatre and I can “proudly” bring my number of times I’ve been threatened with sexual violence up about tenfold and number of times I’ve been…
I kind of feel like Rachel Bloom could play a great version of Lucille in a musical someday CALL ME LADIES
“Plot twist: they are dating and love each other immensely”
I was legit scared seeing the way Stassi responded to him. I’m no fan of hers but she’s a fierce bitch and it was hard to watch her kiss his ass and beg him not to dump her after he embarrassed her in front of Lisa.
The song Clint Eastwood is better than Clint Eastwood
True Andrea has always been a feminist hero. I’m not joking.
They should put her on Riverdale! She looks amazing.
I don’t remember but it was at a comedy club in a basement so no one smells good there ha