jonbenet ramsay snow

He seems approachable... like you could grab a beer with him!

Thanks! Yeah there are a bizarre number of skinheads on H St, it’s a weird mix. Rock and Roll Hotel was basically my home.

It is what it is I am a very non Jewish looking Jewish chick so the shit people pull in front of me has always been cringey as hell. And believe me I wanted to think that the people who hung out at this bar were just making some kind of commentary

No one knows what Greg would have brought to the friendship, or the moving company.

I am aware of this so I asked a friend who signs if I was misinterpreting and she assured me I was not. There were several groups of deaf people not reacting this way, this was the four closest to the TV. :(

Hey! I actually just moved to Brooklyn, partially because of the election. DC hasn’t been the same. But we were at Queen Vic on H St when the Nazi salutes went down and were walking to the Pug when the guys yelled at my friend.

She is so quick witted I have heard comedians talk about being jealous of her timing, she comes across as fresh and genuine. I really freaking like her and I’m glad she wasn’t scared away from the process.

I’ve shared before, but I was out at a bar in NE DC with friends and as soon as Trump won Ohio a group of college students started doing Nazi salutes and cheering. Fun fact? These were Gallaudet students, so they are all hearing impaired. Pretty sure neither Trump nor Hitler respected the deaf. Obviously wenleft the

O shit!

I know! It’s all awful but I was like “Damn I am a bad judge of character huh?”

OK (and hi again pals has it really been three weeks?) in all seriousness I have gotten through a few periods of confinement (jail, the various places I was sent as a teen, etc) by thinking of it as material or an acting experience. I keep a journal and that’s some of the best shit I’ve ever written. That said, she’s

How long have you waited to make this joke?

Also Dennis Wilson was sleeping with underage Manson girls so pervs all around!

We had a series of pervs come to the first time we had a lemonade stand. Once the one guy asked us for hugs we went inside :/

It sounds like it was a rejected plot on The Mick. What an ignorant person bleggh

Yes! My friend used to run hospitality at the theatre where we worked and she had to make tikka masala in the venue kitchen because Wu Tang demanded it when they arrived and we hadn’t had time to order them some.

AHHh I’m reading it right now, reminds me a lot of The Edible Woman.

That actually severely depressed me. Imagining the host making something he thought would be a treat and being greeted with such rudeness. Your friend is a good person. I don’t care for or eat red meat but if I am at someone’s home and they are serving me? I will eat a steak gladly.

Yeah seriously that’s a great way to die. SSDGM!