jonbenet ramsay snow

Her new husband’s old age makeup is so distracting I had to fast forward every time he was onscreen when I attempted to watch the show so I could talk to my coworkers about it. And now I know they killed my favorite character (Randall’s dad) so yeeeeeeah nerp.

My friend said the show should be called “This is Randall’s Family and Milo Ventimiglia’s Butt” after the most important parts of the program.

I mean I guess it works for some people? There are commenters here who say it works for them, I am friends with a pretty liberal and queer group of people (goth musical theatre actress from DC/NYC here) and I have yet to see it work out long term for any of my friends but then statistically almost all relationships

Just send a nice card. It’s not rude, you shouldn’t have to shell out money again and again for her decisions.

It makes me happy too. Also they had a small service and she wore a nice dress but no gown or anything like that, which I thought was nice and tasteful. I think going full white wedding after the first is at best tacky and at worst rude to guests.

Hehe, “bust”.

Yeah if they carry your size at Victoria’s Secret...

LOL thank you I have a friend who gets all up in arms about it “If you can love your curves why can’t I love my bones” and I’m like “Yeah and why isn’t there a White History Month while you’re at it” come on.

Wait did other people not go out in NY today? I thought the blizzard was weak af.

I went to see Pissed Jeans a few weeks ago and the lead singer WITHOUT A HINT OF IRONY said “I know you’re surprised but guys still make music!” or something along those lines. My side eye was so intense it ejected me from the room.

Fiona performed at the concert venue where I work. She spent the entire time seated on the floor not making eye contact with anyone and was still one of the best live acts I’ve ever seen, and I see at least 100 a year.

But what happens if you put the vibe in a microwave? Does Obama come and bone you?

Yes, orgasms are proven to help migraines. Also this is a perfect marriage of username and comment.

Ha I will take your word for it

Eh my mom has been married three times and the third one is the one that has stuck. Some people just really want things to work out for them and stay optimistic.

Lol does shit put out fires?

I loled at the Sex at Dawn thing. Like, don’t tell me that the fact that I like to date one person at a time is unnatural. I need a lot of attention and I’m lazy as hell! That’s natural for me.

Hmmm I read it as a burn, but now that you’re saying this I’m wondering if it was a PR strategy to distance herself from his white supremacy shit. Yuck.

She adopted her after the marriage broke up. I always thought it was a nice way to burn a white supremacist ex. But still, someone with that much hate? No way he didn’t chime in with his gross opinions at some point in their relationship.

Haha right I know a lot of people who are going to be stoked to hear this.