Stunning... and Brave.
Stunning... and Brave.
Also someone responded to me about crimes the victim allegedly committed... commission of a crime does not mean that you are incapable of being victimized by an abuser. I shoplifted in college, that doesn’t mean that my ex didn’t punch me in the face.
My nephew is on the spectrum and was vaccinated and let me say we are all glad he’s alive and didn’t succumb to/infect his classmates with some archaic disease. Shocking, right? He’s a nice kid who is smart but awkward and really likes Star Wars and Pokémon. How scary!
I was basically like “Well that’s my fictional pair I’d like to get high with”
I see Renly as a Trudeau figure.
What a rude comparison! Never without her permission! :)
Thank you, and I prefer the American take on The Office too! Part of it is that Steve Carell is a by all accounts a lovely guy and Ricky Gervais is a self-satisfied douche (I have a hard time separating artists from art, maybe because I act and know so many douchebag actors). And I’m sorry, it sounds like your stepmom…
O my god I can’t imagine. My mom always said she couldn’t even watch stuff like Raising Arizona (a darkly charming Coen Brothers movie where a child is kidnapped by a couple who cannot have children and ultimately returned safely) when we were young. I seriously texted her to tell her I loved her and to not watch the…
Ha I’ve got a pretty fucked up family full of substance issues too (my brother died of a heart attack at 35 after 20 years as an alcoholic which makes some of the Frank shit hard on me because he gets so many chances with his health) and they film some of the scenes at the school in Chicago where my sister works and…
The top people in our government are cut from the same cloth too. This is seriously upsetting shit. I can’t imagine how scared I would be to report any crime if I were undocumented, and here our legal system allowed this woman to be victimized all over again. Gross.
I really hate spoilers for films (TV I get because it is weekly and collective) but I kind of wish I knew what ELSE was going to happen when I went into it. I did know the evil ex killed Zachary’s father, but that was all. The rest is actually giving me chills now almost two years later. I also just saw the…
What a specific and terrifying way for her ex to continue to commit partner violence. I’m scared for all of us.
Basically how I went into it, I did know that the ex had murdered the titular father, but not any of the rest of it. And from your username I infer that you may have children? I do not (neither does the ex who got so angry Fwiw), and cannot imagine the wrenching experience of that added into watching it.
FWIW there is a rumor that he murdered a woman on the set of Apocalypto and while I take all rumors with a grain of salt I kind of suspect this one has a grain of truth to it considering he did straight up say he would murder his ex and bury her body in the rose garden after she is raped by a “pack of <racial slur…
You’re correct, it doesn’t.
Absolutely! The school’s practices and founders have very unsettling ties to Synanon and the movements that started Scientology. If it didn’t sound so dramatic (and if it didn’t upset former classmates who still think the school could do no wrong) I’d refer to myself as a cult survivor because I bought into it so hard…
That’s actually one of the books I felt “bad” about abandoning! It’s also the reason I’m not reading the Patrick Rothfuss books (but I may watch the show, Lin-Manuel Miranda is producing) and I can’t be bothered with LOTR.
I definitely hope so, I just doubt it. Sometimes I wish we knew less about celebrities but I’m never going to stop reading the gossip rags so it’s my own fault.
“Tough love” my friend :/
The school was indeed eventually sued out of existence but every time one of these schools closes a new one with the same staff and practices (Cascade School, Mount Bachelor Academy, Swift River, etc). Here is a very accurate testimonial from a friend of mine who went through most of the program a couple years after…