jonbenet ramsay snow

I’ve been having this discussion lately. A female friend of mine didn’t understand that I thought it was offensive when non-Jews performed a Nazi salute on election night but didn’t think it was offensive of her to make fun of womanly things. Logic!

I discovered recently that I am violently attracted to Brett Gelman. Please send help.

Ha OK I normally don’t think jokes about STDS are funny but this was good.

If you Jezzies haven’t watched Fleabag yet GET ON IT. I laughed, I cried, I died. People tell me that “No offense but” I remind them of her. None taken, I assure you!

Exactly. Or they could have a cast a less known actress who has some semblance of chemistry with Christian Bale. Supposedly he and Anne Hathaway had an on set affair and none of that showed onscreen either.

Seriously. I have lots of random negative feelings about MG but it’s not mean to he busy, especially if you think you’re a serious actor but keep getting recognized as Batman’s Girlfriend.

That’s why he was so good in Magnolia, Interview with the Vampire and even Tropic Thunder, he was able to just be that sociopath and let loose with his weird couch-jumpy tendencies.

Maggie Gyllenhaal makes me cry because I just can’t stand to look at her face for some reason and I have missed out on movies before because of it. I did see The Dark Knight and liked her even less because she made me acknowledge that Katie Holmes was a better Rachel. I’m not proud of any of this and I feel mean but

I think she is going to show up again. Do you hire Gina Torres for three minutes of acting? I doubt it.

O it’s definitely a hate-fuck scenario.

Yes I was so grateful when someone pointed out that resemblance, it had been driving me crazy.

Do they stay? I am a DC native and I’ve been here for all 30 years of life besides college and I’m not proud to say I don’t know, but I’m assuming they don’t?

Would U?

Thank you, and thanks to everyone besides the troll who asked “Well are you?”. I’m no saint but I don’t hurt people on purpose and it is really messing with me.

Had to share this one with you Jezzies. Observe the pissed Weasley cousin in the top photo. I had a tough week personally in addition to election depression (my ex sent me a really awful message telling me he wished I would die and I have people I thought were friends on his side) so this silliness is appreciated.


Yeah if you’d ever told me I’d cry at someone dressed like Hillary Clinton singing Hallelujah I would not have believed you. I guess we truly are living in Trump’s America.

It is abusive. I have a friend who went through a lot of hardships as a child including systematic sexual abuse and a natural disaster destroying her home (not civil war but you know) and she throws in everyone’s face when they are having a hard time. There isn’t a set amount of pain to go around, you can have pain

My ex came to my house yesterday because I wouldn’t answer his calls. My roommate managed to get him out of there after he snooped through all my shit. I told him I couldn’t talk to him, I don’t want to get back together and I can’t be what he needs me to be. I received the below messages afterwards. I’m a wreck and

His choices for these positions remind me of when you read a book and the main character improbably encounters all the noted historical figures of the time period.