Yeah, THIS I would buy, like, yesterday. God I love this film.
Yeah, THIS I would buy, like, yesterday. God I love this film.
Yeah good luck flying with this shit, ya rich dicks.
Yeah, but while Cartman is repugnant he is also funny, charismatic, and he cares about animals. I don’t think there’s a character on South Park odious enough to mention in a sentence with Trump.
Pussy has not yet grabbed the attention of the EmojiMakers
Yeah that’s like saying that The Godfather exists and therefore Paul Blart Mall Cop can’t be that bad.
Not impressed. I do this to Hamilton at my local LA Fitness three days a week.
Hey at least you didn’t live with me a couple years ago. I would get drunk and watch videos of MY OWN PRODUCTIONS of musicals.
Thank you so much this is amazing.
I didn’t see the movie, but when I used to be addicted to WoW in college (I was the second warlock on my server to hit the new level cap in Burning Crusade) I would dream in Azeroth pretty damn often. And aww sorry healer :) I didn’t play with a mouse for years and somehow I still managed to keep out of the fire most…
Hey he sounds like he has really healthy boundaries I have no idea what you mean!!
It’s such an evocative word and so exactly what he was doing.
Check out her sex tape!
Hey! Cartman is an American treasure! Take it back!
Haha yeah I have no desire to know what the Semen Reverie entails.
Yeah part of the reason I would be into a more fantasy based thing is that you’d be fighting creatures that you can look and KNOW aren’t human.
World of Warcraft or Skyrim would be appealing to me. I would need to be able to “cast spells” though (Undead warlock for life). Can you imagine running an IRL raid?
His Westworld robot of Shitty Politician is set to widen eyes at the word SEMEN.
He’s probably so pissed Monica didn’t get in on this. Whatever, she was too fat for him to want to grab her pussy anyway! Sad!
“For reasons well known to them”