Where's Paul Verhoeven?

Wouldn't it have been a hell of a lot more interesting if he was an actual confederate, and redeemed himself or came to his senses when witnessing the suffering caused by the war? Assuming they had to explain his participation in the war, which they didn't because nobody cared.

"The myth of the liberal media is just that. Sure, folks who don't eat vittles, have more than four teeth, and don't bang their cousins, tend to skew liberal, but there is no bias against conservatives, who, most likely do those things."

Of course they're not the only one to go overboard, they're the only ones who get to insult and then depict their enemies being shot on cable tv shows though.

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, okay

You wanna drink this, go ahead

Hard to misinterpret a guy dressed like the Angry Texan from The Simpsons getting shot in the head in front of a enormous picture of Dubya.

Must be nice when your side has total and absolute control over the news media and entertainment industry with strictly enforced dogma of who is and who isn't acceptable to be satirized, I agree, and its good for the country too.

I suddenly feel the need to wear thick glasses, suspenders, vintage docksiders I thrifted from a store right by Storm King, and drink beer made from yeast found in a dudes beard…no…no…NOOOOOOO…uh…OOOOO!

Imagine the reaction if a show had people opening fire at a Hillary Clinton event, the show would probably be pulled from the airways, and its creators put in the stocks. Implicitly its saying that people who support politicians who think differently than you do, should be shot.

"Notice the reclining posture, the obscuring of the face to emphasize the breasts and the torso - all obscured behind the idea we are depicting a goddess rather than a woman…"

So many words, so little point. Jesus Christ, thank you Ms. Wikipedia.

Yeah, hooray for censorship. Congrats.

That's the fear, since everything is offensive, nothing can be anything. It all becomes homogenized, artless, boring, inhuman, sexless, and sterile. While that may rob all the joy from life, well at least no one will be offended.

The irony is weak with this one. Its nearly impossible to find sexually objectionable unless you're a member of ISIL, or the Berkeley Feminism dept, that's why I used it.

There are various ways to look at any piece of art, and when the people who feel the need to enforce feminist theory on cartoon characters deem it necessary they will go after fine art, regardless of the intention of the creator or mores of the time, people who are encouraged by victory do not stop.

They don't want realism thought, they want back slaps for being progressive about what a cartoon character wears. In the immortal words of Genesis "this is the world we live in…".

Dipshittery? Is someone fucking with your brain medicine?

I've owned the made in England and the modern Docs, aside from the lack of ankle torture they're not a hell of a lot different. True though if the 1000 mile boots weren't $400 a pair I'd own them exclusively, but that's how that works.

That seems to be the argument, women need to be covered head to toe now because men are above that sort of thing.

So docs were back in for a minute, and are now back out? Thank God, I can wear mine again now.