
This RN post was entirely not rude enough and I am furious that you went off-brand to actually connect with people on a personal level instead of dismissing them with a razor sharp one-liner. As a pillar of the Kinja comment section you should really think twice before making such compassionate posts.

Doesn’t really answer my question, which was kind of rhetorical, but thanks?

Sorry but I can’t get past the fact that the pain elemental has tiny, buff arms and what purpose do they serve? 

This perspective of the futility of culinary school is pretty much objectively true, at least with all the people I’ve talked to/worked with that have gone. I went straight into the industry 8 years ago with little to no knowledge and have parlayed that into working for some of the best restaurants in my city

I like the sound of that. I’d like to see an offshoot where Desire, Disgust and Delirium affect history in various ways... maybe Lucifer could make an appearance where he gives Desire something so that he will start wars which would lead to more souls for Hell.

Holy shit, that double front part...  iconic of the 90's

I’ll play your game, you rogue.

Now playing

I agree with most of the advice here but I’m surprised nothing is mentioned about their sweet spots! Once you’ve established trust you have to prove yourself a worthy and dutiful petter. Cats lose trust very easily and misunderstand a lot of boisterous things we do so it’s always on the line.

I think a lot of jokes are intentionally stupid and that makes them funny... but 60% of the time they aren’t. This was one of those times... Most comedy is meant to make you feel uncomfortable and in turn you laugh because of your discomfort. It’s an unfortunate route to that reaction and some people just aren’t

I remember reading a study last year that loosely correlated your IQ to the wellness you like your steak cooked to. More well-done, the lower the IQ. In your case, it seems to have been nurture more than nature that affects your decision.. but for every other leather-chewer out there it seems to be true.

I’d like to add ‘people who wear sunglasses inside, people who wear tanktops and people who try to flag down their waitress’

I’m inclined to agree with this, it was the lack of a comma sensationalized. It also could easily be seen as mockery... but phobia? That’s a mischaracterization and a misnomer.

Using transPHOBIC as a general word to describe anything that isn’t exactly furthering progressive thinking... isn’t progressive thinking.

I think it’s all in your head...

Now playing

This article and the subsequent comments are PAINFUL to read. Please watch some of the ‘Comics Explained’ youtube channel and get to know the universe before you comment about it.

It’s entirely possible that he’s fasting or doing a mostly liquid diet which would eliminate the need for pooping temporarily.

Could have been an Espagnole sauce which is rare nowadays but It can be perceived as sweet because of the tomatoes and brown stock in it

Whaaaaaat? It’s very common to put hot sauce or a dash of vinegar in Hollandaise and the recipe itself calls for Lemon... if it doesn’t have enough acid for you add some more.

You’re misunderstanding your own words and mine and being a sensationalist. You made the error of saying you can think of many negative ways to describe a person that does NOT evoke these tropes.  You meant to say the opposite.

Why would you negatively describe a person that doesn’t evoke those tropes? Surely that’s counter-intuitive.

Can you think of a better one? You seem to be apt at pointing out problems but not their solutions... No other mammal has the fine motor skills to perform such a conscious and aggressive task