
I agree Bateman and Cross should have kept their mouths shut... but you conveniently forgot to mention how Jessica Walters mentioned 3 times she would like to forgive Jeffrey and restart their friendship. It’s done. You cannot be more incensed about an issue than the victim. That’s called “situational appropriation”

I 100% agree Bateman and Cross should have kept their mouths shut... but HOW do you mention everything that was said in the article EXCEPT for the three times Walters mentions that she would like to forgive Jeffrey and restart their friendship?

I 100% agree. I think the players/writers on SNL believe that because they are on SNL that is what makes them funny. They’ve been swept away by America’s political minutae and don’t seem to be capable of producing new ideas, only satirizing current events... or playing themselves. Pete Davidson is a good kid and a bit

I see an artist struggling against the turbid sea of relevance.

“Beautiful bus, I love that bus”

Monster here. Top sheets are for normies.

I’ve played around 35 hours in-game and I don’t want to pass judgement too soon as this game is still in its infancy but it left me wanting.

It’s really not weird, you only perceive it that way. For people from Copenhagen and the surrounding Scandinavian area this is standard fare. They are fishermen, farmers and foragers. They are still very closely tied to the land and sea unlike a lot of American metropolitan cities.

So then explain the “pour one out for the homies”.. Black folks are just as wasteful as anyone else and I would argue less interested than anyone in trying to reverse those statistics by recycling/volunteering time to stop wastefulness. No, that would be some real “White People Shit”

If you thought butter could get any better you’ve never tried ‘cultured’ butter. It’s so easy to do at home: basically done in the style of cheese and uses cheese-making cultures which can be found easily at a brewing/fermentation shop. I used a culture called “Fleur Danica” when I made it regularly for a