
Disclaimer: I only took a quick glance through the report. However, I would be curious to know which characters they counted toward their bisexual number. One of the things that has long bothered me on TV is how reluctant most shows are to actually come out and have a character say they are bisexual. Too often there

There’s some really great stuff coming out of alt-country right now though - it just doesn’t seem to be able to break into the top-40 country that is *usually* the mainstay of the CMAs and the radio.

I don’t know. I was terrified of clowns when I was a kid.... despite my parents’ best efforts. I was hospitalized for a couple of weeks when I was three and cried hysterically every day when the clowns came into the ward (which, according to my mother, was a couple times a week.)


Eh, Trump is a symptom of the disease for the GOP, not the cause of it.

I am... vaguely horrified by the idea of a seaborn lyman ticket.

Not to mention that she did the exact same thing to PoC and LGBTQ folks. You were willing to throw other people under the bus, and your surprised when the same happens to you? Give me a break.

Exactly. People like this always think that everyone else is just like them deep down, and can’t comprehend that anyone else would be genuinely appalled and offended by their behaviour.

I loved it, but I was about 12 when it started. I’m not sure what my experience would be if I had started watching it as an adult.

I always try to wipe that season out of my head. So much unnecessary and out of character drama for EVERYONE.

When I moved in with my best friend we couldn’t afford cable, and Netflix was still done by post, so the only TV channel we got was the Christian channel. For some reason they played Gilmore Girls and The West Wing back to back every week night (with hilarious commentary at the commercial breaks).

Team Rory-doesn’t-need-a-man!

I’d be more concerned if he COULDN’T poll above 5% considering the two major parties are running the least popular candidates of any modern election.

To be honest, I don’t care for libertarians. I always sort of think of them as physicists in an engineering universe (well, yes, that might be nice if we were all perfect spheres in a vacuum on a friction-less surface, but sadly we are people and have to deal with the real bumps and flaws. That’s why we need to

Especially not under FPTP.

I’m Canadian, and as one of the policy wonks I know pointed out: our current government could easily spend their entire (first?) term undoing bad legislation from the previous Conservative government without introducing any new legislation and still have 4 or 5 very busy years.

Exactly! Don’t talk to me about third parties, broken systems and protest votes unless you are actually getting off your ass to do something about it in non election years.

Sorry - I think my reading comprehension is going this afternoon, but I’m not exactly sure what you are saying here.

Oh, I am absolutely the worst about this!

Yeah, it’s a relatively recent one. (I’m just a huge stats dork - stats can is actually one of my “frequent websites” when I open up google chrome!)