
Exactly! That is what inspired that comment, having seen 2 full cricles of this (clinton/bush - obama/trump). It makes me laugh for the reason you mentioned and then also because whether i support the president or not “making sure the person with their finger on the bomb is relaxed” is a way my tax dollars support our

His voters would also like you to know that at no point on social media have they expressed outrage at the frequency or taxpayer cost of another president’s leisure activities.

well it was a joke, now it is just a puddle marked with the giant, ugly shoe prints that trampled it to death. RIP to the ugly shoe joke.

I am honestly curious if anyone saying that he shouldn’t be forgiven eats animals? I do personally, i try to find more humane sources but much of the animal flesh i consume experienced untold fear and pain during its brief life and industrial processed end. Of course it is a shocking thing to hear that someone

My comment was what is colloquially referred to as “a joke”, the degree of your response does actually reflect someone who is off their meds, you might want to sit with that for a second.

That honestly makes no sense. I’m the reason for inbreeding? Inbreeding naturally occurs where suitable opposite sex partners are rare or where a royal line is being preserved. Do i judge them? Do I think it is wrong that countries in Europe were ruled by 5 foot tall pig men by virtue of a political tradition?

My uncle works at a dealership is how i know.

All American cars have a universal key anyone can use until they’re paid off, then you get your own personal lock. It is a big incentive to pay off the car quickly.

-- deez nuts

Andrew Bogut’s write-in of: “a congressional investigation into #Pizzagate” sort of counts.

“Sacramento? Oh to be a free man in the big city, what a thing to aspire to! I’m saving my finest crystal meth for the trip” - Stockton resident

I figured i could blame millenials here.

i don’t believe the amount of rupees you need are currently in circulation

Why not give everyone in the country a dollar bill with the word “genius” written on it to make us feel better about ourselves, lenin.

easily the best comedy of the last decade in my book. pure genius from start to finish. chris morris is my hero.

I can’t actually get any of them to work thus far, even lawn tickets for shows listed, so it sucks infinitely as far as i am concerned.

there are a bunch in irvine and chula vista, which is much less of a drive than most people would have to redeem these....