
Alright now, please change into this medical gown and depict this bowl or fruit in whatever way you see fit, you’ll find oil paints in that drawer.....

i don’t believe the amount of rupees you need are currently in circulation

Most charitable explanation would be that he thought it was a feelgood story that would warm some hearts. The more cynical take is he wanted some publicity for his santa services.

but it wasn’t a ted chiang adaptation, was it? maybe i am confused as to your comment.

Why not give everyone in the country a dollar bill with the word “genius” written on it to make us feel better about ourselves, lenin.

what conditioning could be making these people assume outrageous fortune will come and solve their money problems if they only wish upon a star?

easily the best comedy of the last decade in my book. pure genius from start to finish. chris morris is my hero.

I can’t actually get any of them to work thus far, even lawn tickets for shows listed, so it sucks infinitely as far as i am concerned.

there are a bunch in irvine and chula vista, which is much less of a drive than most people would have to redeem these....

I have nothing to add except that even in this era of take inflation Berkyjay is a hot take hall-of-fame first ballot admission. Just from this one performance alone.

These scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should

Three startups [minimum] are working on a robot whose only function is ball-punching as we speak.

Ah yes, the great cabal against writing about the golden state warriors.

that paul allen gentleman just looked so in the dumps....

My doctor is muslim and I hadn’t even thought to press him on the early incursions in the iberian peninsula. what else isn’t that moorish rogue telling me!

I take your point; but i’m not sure what the equivalent central authority to the papacy is for islam? Who would issue that apology that was responsible for the conquests in the first place?

I’m sorry that happened to you. Imagining it took the church till 2000 to apologize fully for the crusades doesn’t make me think that is going to change anytime soon.
