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Has America completely forgotten the extreme threat mountain lions pose to our hammocks?


what? the link says "fox sport's bruce feldman", and it seems the source is dave feldman, which is not who the article you are reading referred to. are you ok? do you need a lie down?

how amazing would he look in purple and gold though. visualize that shot chart.

agreed, the bigger stage elevates it in my mind, but then watching him throw down tracy porter i just had to put my hand over my mouth, there is no contest.

thank you. a friend posted an image macro of a heart that said "all cops aren't bad, all black people aren't criminals" on their wall. I was like, where do i even start with everything that pisses me off about that?

But .cr doesn't work......

i'm not usually the spelling police, but there is a typo in your name! i'll let you off with a warning this time mister ;-).

What is the weekly using the word "wreck" quota for you guys?

yeah, when i lived in mumbai shiv sena would setup stuff in the middle of my busy ass street pretty regularly, like it was a park.

just trying to get another one over the green monster....

November 7th is the day bizarro reggie miller was killed by professor xavier mcdaniel after being drafted by the celtics in the "time crisis" alternative boston timeline. This is a many world hypothesis that bill simmons speculative powers actually shifted into our universe for 30 seconds in march of 1997.

hell is otter people [playing keyboard]

(Aerosmith) brought the house down in (Kansas City)! It was (amazing/crazy).

dude is my namesake, i had to bring the nonsense.

Tough actin' for shaqtin'

Yeah, he knows that, he was cleverly correcting what you wrote to express what it ignores. Point being this stuff is not a national tragedy unless it happens in white neighborhoods. It is a regular occurrence in chicago but it isn't news because it is ubiquitous, so nobody begs solemnity for it.

they wrote the apology story 18 hours later or so, are we considering that a long time now?