
It's killing me that, in several spots, you've asked for information as someone who badly wants to be in on the genre, only to be blown off by people just telling you to "do your research." I know that metal is famously non-inclusive, but come on now.

Dang, AV Club. Are these the sweet, sweet clicks you were after?

To be fair, my exposure to Laibach's oeuvre is pretty limited. They had "God Is God" on the Blair Witch "soundtrack," and I've heardthe odd track here and there, but I mostly like bringing them up to remind my wife, who used to be a huge Rammstein fan, that Rammstein basically stole their entire schtick.

Their Beatles covers, however, are still considered a horrific crime.

So defending Nazism, even by comparison, is the hill you want to die on. That's good to know.

We're purporting to be against Nazis.

I like of like that. Both of those, actually. Works with the slightly aggressive pointing.


These are a highlight of my Friday mornings.

Is the Relm bug still present on the Wii Store copy of III? That one's my go-to.

You're Marsh Cave-ing them? You son of a bitch.

Well, FitBits are wholly inadequate for charting coital caloric burn.

I haven't built a dungeon in many years, but I always take the Final Boss as my starting point, let things spider web out from there both in terms of minions and construction, and then turn to random tables which, like you, I tweak to fit the sense of the story.

Probably? I got the stuff last Friday, and those never really last more than a few days. It was a bunch of 60% off stuff. I don't remember what everything cost individually, but all of that DLC plus both games came to under $40.

And you don't have to do the entire Deep Roads in a single shot! That was life-changing when I found that out!

As I mentioned last week, I cashed in on the PS+ Sale and picked up all of the Witcher 3 DLC, and also Darkest Dungeon and Inside. It picked these up just as I finished my main quest on Death March NG+, so I rolled into it at Level 70 already. My weekend will probably be devoted to casually strolling through Hearts

And the Bull Moose….s.

I'm okay with a comedian or actor being a gateway to an intellectual who has a better understanding. If someone with a huge platform says, "This is fucked up, listen to this guy with a smaller platform," then I think the well-meaning individual has served a fine purpose. If he didn't retreat, and instead doubled

He falls squarely into the category of "even when he's right, he's enough of a dick that you almost wish he wasn't." But he gets an absolute pass from me for the quote, “When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite.

I think if we asked him, he might have preferred to give a little less. Especially considering the R.O.I.