
I’m loathe to challenge Lewisohn’s meticulous research, but as Ringo pounds the cymbals three times you start to hear excited giggling followed by John asking something like “How was that?” -presumably to George Martin or an engineer - just as Ringo starts screaming. Who knows, the chatter could have been recorded

I don’t know about that. I’ve listened to the stereo mix many times on headphones and always hear John commenting on how good the take sounded just before Ringo yells “I got blisters...” Plus he plays the discordant saxophone throughout, although that was probably dubbed later.

You got me. I’ll never tire of telling war stories about Fyre Festival.

Del Taco forever.

They gifted me Band On The Run for my next birthday, so I doubt it. Maybe they didn’t want me to ask about lines like “recover from the trip you’ve been on” or “get you ready for my body gun.”

My parents let me listen to the Beatles, Stones, Doors and Steppenwolf as early as age 6. But for some reason they forbade me from playing a neighbor’s 45 of the Wings song “Hi, Hi, Hi” on our stereo. Something about playing 45s being bad for the turntable. Uh huh. I played it loud anyway while the family was running

T. Rex songs were a ‘70s FM rock staple. Same with Madness on the ‘80s New Wave stations. But “Bang a Gong (Get it On)“ and “Our House,” respectively, were the only songs to cross over to pop and Top 40.

Or Paddington meets Tex ... Watson.

Sounds like someone needs a fap and a nap.

I wasn’t a huge Hillary fan but I could see what a Trump presidency would bring and voted for her anyway. Did you?

Trump isn’t fit to scrub out Elvis’ commode.

Can someone produce a teleplay of Poe’s “Hop Frog” and get Trump, Sessions, Kush, Pruitt, and Pai to “guest star” in gorilla suits for the finale? That would be a hot burn.

It’s all about the lobbying. Sessions likely gets a lot of financial support from big pharma and tobacco. He probably also thinks libs and people of color smoke the most pot, so this gives him the ability to send (us) to private prisons.

Obama and Malala never blathered on about champagne sabering, but T.J. Miller did in an AV Club interview after last New Year’s. So consider that before thwacking your cork.

I still haven’t gotten over the Newmanium.

Thanks for the tip. It’s a shame the movie was so half-assed. The story of Jones’ last days always reminds me of the final act of Harold Pinter’s “The Servant,” an ending that still unnerves.

Would have been better with a parallel story of Brian Jones’ final days living in A A Milne’s mansion. Fired by the Stones, pushed around by his contractors and overwhelmed by hangers on treating his house like a crash pad. However the actual story ends, fade in the image of Jones floating face down in the pool before

Oh. I thought seeing the same Pretty Little Liars ad every 15 minutes was a manifestation of the Cruciatus Curse.

Doesn’t Freeform already air a huge Harry Potter marathon every other weekend?

I’d watch “Live Hard or Die Tryin’.”