“I just look at legal”
“I just look at legal”
Nope. Fuck that. “She’s a woman on the Internet, she should learn to deal,” is not a valid response.
Shitbags need to either learn to be better people, or get their shit tuned up. The onus is never on the victim, ever.
Hot take: S3 was even worse than S2.
It was the first manga I ever read and no other manga managed to top it off!
“There is no intention of whitewashing. We accept that we are not sensitive enough and will pay more attention to diversity issues in the future.”
I’m no psychologist, but that kid that just kept staring at him is definitely a sociopath.
What more of this viral spectacle do we need to consume?
Not nearly as often. And not nearly as often resulting in violence.
Who is this hot Florida trash daddy cyborg and how can I 3D print him in real life like a Blade Runner pleasure model?
My favorite part of this is the whole “I’m totally over him” statement while he carries around crisp 8x10 photographs of them together.
the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.
I love the idea that you can get away with anything as long as you stop once you’ve been called out for it.
So I could... enlist in the army, put myself at risk of getting killed, injured or suffer from PTSD, willingly sign up to potentially commit the worst actions possible against another human (murder, torture, etc) at the command of some old guys in Washington, and occasionally play games in a desert?
Ugh, Leon Chiro is offensively attractive.
To the man’s house who does...
Please, Lord. Let this all be JaRule’s fault.
My mother, God bless her (she’s still around, but still), grew up in a certain village in rural Nigeria. And to…
I’m noticing the comments are from mainly non black people and am getting the impression that an old stigma pervades most of the opinions in the comments and that being that of “people who can’t afford nice things shouldn’t have them” or the old “boot strap” argument...as a black father who has tried to keep my…
The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where…