
Been there, man. If only there was a way to not take pictures of my dick,then I couldn’t accidentally tweet them.

I resemble this remark, except for being 47.

Stopped paying for cable years ago and head to bars to watch sports I want to watch. Cavs made that expensive but awesome this year.

I miss baseball, I won't steal broadcasts, but I won't pay that much to watch them, either.

I have to think this is a payback after Barack got to sit in the front seat for a few hundred yards with Jerry Seinfeld

YEAH!!! Get back in bed with the banks!!!

This is good, right?

The democratic party needs to be hit where it leans too far right, and I think DWS fits that bill.

If she doesn't reform, she should be continually challenged. The party should welcome these competitions. The platform after Bernie is better than it would have been without him.

It was won by a girl, you wouldn’t know her, she lives in Niagara Falls

The page is down as they negotiate a purchase by The Sharper Image

Yours seems a bullshit interpretation.

The full transcript talks about trying to hold institutions accountable, including outside the Athletic departments.

Your highlighted part is the guy saying that it is unlikely that these instances will never go away completely.

If you are looking for his bullshit, highlight the

I was going to comment, but my lawyer said not to do so

Ronaldo psychically projected himself onto the pitch as an extra player.

Dude. That's just a basketball play, he does it every time.

Cleveland Browns beating the Packers October 19, 1980. Dave Logan won with a touchdown with 16 second left.

There linked article says that Colon won’t be the oldest pitcher every in an all star game but that doesn’t make it any less impressive. It does make it a little less impressive, right?

Giving back.

That’s what makes him a hero.

I assume that he wanted to show up and be polite and reasonable, but Arenas knows what’s expected when he gets an invite.

He does it for his fans.

+ a pound of pierogi after you finish

I get that Kyrie plays Uncle Drew, but he is really only 24-years-old.

The circumstances took 2 games to let him get comfortable in his skin and play the game that he can play. There was a 28-year-old point guard on the other team who never managed to look comfortable, and that guy had played a full finals series last

Fuck your attitude toward Dellavedova. The fact that you don’t like him clouds your argument.

That was not a reasonable play. Dellevedova acted in a dangerous manner with very little chance of success, since the ball was on the other side of Iggy. It’s not Draymond Green deciding to kick Steve Adams, but it damned well

Don’t comment if you agree. It confuses the internet.

I hope they didn’t get too tense during the essay writing. Someone had taken away their Xanax