Nonetheless, Manziel meet all of your requirements.
Nonetheless, Manziel meet all of your requirements.
Yes, deserves.
His on-field, and by all reports, off-field on the job work has tremendously improved.
He has spent his time doing everything you describe, according to the Browns.
He did, on his off days, go out. He broke rules that an employer should not have had in place. The Browns are not his parents, he does not…
I think you are miscalculating the level of monetary investment in Davis. It’s significant as well, they like that guy.
However, I think you are right. Manziel is a douche, but he deserves the start. Additionally, he is dramatically improved since last year, and that deserves reward.
Go with Manzeil for the 2 weeks until he is hurt, then Austin Davis, then Don Strock
Really? Generalizations always get me into trouble? Then, stop. Take that extra 15 or 20 seconds, then tweet.
Because, somehow it is Johnny is not allowed a day off. He is not a fucking surgeon. He might not be a good QB, but he doesn’t have a 24-hour-a-day responsibility to be a boy scout.
In either case, the blown call was yet another example of the NFL rulebook being a tower of kludges upon kludges unparsable by the human brain, or of officials who improperly or inadequately trained and prepared, or, most likely, both.
Frankly, they are too involved with looking for Defensive Holding and PI.
OL and CBs used to hold every play, now only OL get that privilege.
It has become too easy to complete a pass in the NFL, which has taken the opportunity for a defensive / running team to even the tables on a passing team.
The officials are the…
They are watching Animal House because some young kids was all, “I’ve never seen Animal House” and the old guys were all “We are fixing that- Right Fucking Now.”
It’s a completely different type of Stallone performance than we would ever see again.
As long as he doesn’t go to the Statue of Liberty, then he’s just a tourist.
Just a great parallel with Miami University which switched from Redskins to RedHawks (and yes, RedHawks, not Red Hawks or Redhawks).
So much better than when it made Sue flay chicken. That was a weird birthday.
I worked at a hippie vegetarian place* in the ‘90s.
I began ignoring the straw policy after that, and the manager dutifully ignored my ignoring of said policy.
S’Mores, or as my children call them: Hipster S’mores (broiled in an oven, and no f’in Hershey’s: 70% cocoa dark chocolate baking discs with a few grains of Hawaiian Pink Salt)
My family keeps ‘Don’t Trust the B’ and ‘Better Off Ted’ and ‘Happy Endings’ alive in our hearts the whole year long.
We are all looking forward to “Don’t Trust the Super-Powered B’
That is certainly where we end up up most of the time: 20%-25%
My family’s rules for tipping (some taught by parents, some developed through years of being on both sides of the tables):
Never go to a restaurant if you can’t tip at least 30%. The service may not earn that, but you have to be prepared.
Never tip less than 10%. If you believe, with all your heart, that the server was…