If you want a really good zombie story, go read Walking Dead.
If you want a really good zombie story, go read Walking Dead.
Do we really need another game with dark corridors, zombie-like creatures and a very limited color palette?
I really don't see the point of using the Mac for playing games.
Come on Valve!? Where's Episode 3!?
Horrible trailer, even worse voice work.
Oh crap. Now I have to buy an iPhone.
I would never leave home. Never.
I played the demo and found it quite crappy. Lara's movement are horrible, she climbs up walls like a robot-spider.
What about a PC demo? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
You should call it "What Have You Actualy Managed to Play On the Weekend?" and post it on mondays.
How could someone NOT want to publish this game!?
You don't take a 12 year old boy to see Hostel or Reservoir Dogs. The same goes for games. The problem is the miss conception that every game, regardless of its content, is aimed at children.
@220: Couldn't agree more.
I have a Core 2 Quad with a GeForce 9600 and it runs Crysis beautifully, with everything set at High.
@dirtybacon: Man, how many days does your weekend have?
I'm playing "How to get your girlfriend mad by spending half your weekend working and half playing Crysis/BC Rearmed"
Oh boy, there we go with the PC X Consoles crap.
@DarwinCB: Talking about Braid: the PC version is already out?
Crysis and (if work doesn't get in the way) Assassins Creed (PC).