Thank you for the clarification
Thank you for the clarification
Right? It’s like the rest of us are insufficiently evolved.
Oh yummy. Thanks for that. Can we make this a spontaneous sexy man pic thread? Because that’s one of my favorite things. Here’s another one:
probably not, unfortunately. now she’ll be a gold digger and a liar.
JDepp be like:
I don’t like to just throw around the word “hero” but in this case it is applicable.
Vanessa - Right?!?! I keep looking at dracula, thinking, if he kept less minions, maybe this would be doable? Could he kill less people? He seems great. Dracula and Vanessa could spend eons being fabulous and nerdy. Love it.
Wow, she really is entering her Miss Havesham phase, isn’t she? “Look here, Pip: these low-cut Frankie B jeans accompanied me to many a society soirée in days gone by. I was the toast of the ball. Everyone envied me. I danced and danced. I looked so pretty in them. Here! Here’s a photo of me. Do you think I look…
If you go through your list of past loves and they are all losers, the one thing they all have in common is.....
Too fucking right! Life is too short for boring hair. I don’t even believe in the words ‘grow up’ or ‘act your age’, because they’re meaningless. Everybody who says “you shouldn’t be [wearing/drinking/listening to/liking/etc.] this at your age” is just betraying the fact that they’re some wet-behind-the-ears little…
Always thought the symbolism of him painting himself in the bath and shower - trying to get clean - was underappreciated.
Jenna added: “There was actually a period where he only communicated through his ‘art.’ He would send Barbara and me a text that said ‘Going on an airplane’ and would do a stick figure of an airplane.”
Guys, I don’t think you understand. George W. Bush’s paintings are FASCINATING. They’re really good. Like, this failure of a president has retreated into this quiet life of creating these painfully amateurish paintings that have this funny, melancholy quality. I would love to buy one. 100% serious.
lol, he’s not a visionary unless by visionary you simply mean “he has the power of sight/is not legally blind”, and I’m sure your idea of what a “balanced” article would look like is fucking bonkers.
I did not go to high school with this girl.
ok but you should watch the episode where Cece and Jess get high and watch Anne of Green Gables for Cece’s bachelorette party. They talk about how much they want to wreck Gilbert Blythe and it was the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen on the television.
1. They demand you give money, possessions, etc without asking questions.
In the archive, inscribed with dates, are samples of Margret’s hair (from both her head and pubic region), her fingernails, and empty contraception packages, as well as a blood-stained napkin.
To quote the esteemed Dolly Parton: “People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair. I don’t know, I’m never there.”