
Brando in that top pic is some how giving me some Tom Hardy-ness (or verse vice-a)

I feel like 2015 sucked the hot out of many of my movie idols...Depp, Pitt, Affleck, least I still have Keanu

Probaby just more of a personal thing I guess, I always felt safe and protected when he was here holding me & my husband and I used to have long deep conversations about everything from A-Z and it was when we were supposed to be going to sleep that these talks would happen.

RE: your PS -she never needed those wigs either so who knows

I think my Barbie had an outfit like this but it was gold and shiny

Possibly doing this wrong, but I use it as a base under my lighter shadow on my lids when I am doing the winged liquid liner look. That way my eyes look bigger.

They have THE best blackest black eyeliner as well.

I would think had they really been “anti government” you would have read about what they saw over the years and what they can see from their property .. etc They consider themselves patriots and in their defense- they Are keeping the government’s secrets with no NDA in-place. They just aren’t idiots and expect a fair

I was told when sex is good in a marriage its 10% but when its bad its 90% of the marriage. You can still have good sex (obvs) and not sleep together but to me it stinks of lack of intmcy.

Brushes make all the difference in the world.

Just wanna know which ones have zero fluoride.

I woke up a few weeks go with one on my face. It clinged to my finger as I threw it off.
They are super fast-I hd never in 25 yeasr seen one around here before.

Dream life=playing in a band traveling across the US drinking and thrifting all day. You have the life.
I love going to smaller towns... Round here everything is over priced and over valued.


Looks like my parent’s old Bonneville

You can wash them with a brillo pad.

That company makes the best scented body butter/lotion.

I needed a shower after that.

Thank you.

I would love to learn —wish you were near me